
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


Pig racing is fun but can be troublesome to maintain: Someone need to be online for spawning pigs, pulling redstone switches and attempting to decide who won and check that no-one cheated...

Until today!

Setup your own, fully automated piggy races!


Define your Pig racing track with the /pr newtrack command:

  • Stand where you want the players to start from (min 7x7 block area)
  • Use /pr newtrack <racename>
  • Right click waypoints of your track
  • Type /pr newtrack once again to end the track setup
    This is all that is required to setup your Piggy Racing track!

Starting a Piggy Race

A player who wishes to race simply uses the command:

  • If there is no upcoming race, a new race started, based on a randomly selected track from the defined tracks
  • If there is a upcoming race, the player simply signs up for that race

A player can leave the race at any time by using:



Players are currently awarded as follows:

  • 1st place gets 1 diamond
  • 2nd place gets 1 gold ingot
  • 3rd place gets 1 iron

NOTE: Config settings for setting up your own rewards pr. race are underway!


Set the podium for a race with the /setpodium command:

  • Stand where you want 1st place to be standing and type /pr setpodium <trackname> 1
  • Stand where you want 2nd place to be standing and type /pr setpodium <trackname> 2
  • Stand where you want 3rd place to be standing and type /pr setpodium <trackname> 3

The top 3 winners of the race will now be teleported to these places after the race, while being given their rewards and showered in flowers!


When a upcoming race is being announced, players can place bets on a winner until the race starts by using the command:

/bet <amount> <playername>

Note that Vault must be installed in order to use betting.


Put the PiggyRacers.jar file in your /plugins folder and you are ready to go!


NOTE: Instead of "piggyracers" you can use the alias "pr"

piggyracersShow the basic info
piggyracers helpShows the command list
piggyracers newtrack <trackname>Start defining a new race track
piggyracers reloadReloads the config settings from disk
joinraceJoins a race
leaveraceLeaves a race

Permission Nodes

Note that PiggyRacers currently supports PermissionsBukkit, PermissionsEX, bPermissions and GroupManager.
Just PM me with requests for supporting other managers.

  • piggyracers.* - Player can do everything below
  • piggyracers.reload - Player can reload the Gods configuration file


SettingDescriptionDefault Value
Settings.DebugEnable debugging informationfalse
Settings.ServerNameName of server"Your Server"
Race.RaceAnnounceTimeSecondsAnnouncement time for a upcoming race300
Race.TimeOutMinutesA started race will timeout after this period3
Race.MinimumSecondsBetweenRacesMinimum period between races3600
Race.MinimumPlayersInRaceNumber of racers that must signed up for a race to start3
Betting.EnabledBettings are enabledtrue
Betting.MinimumBetMinimum bet100

Upcoming features

  • Configurable rewards
  • Language support


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 10, 2012
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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