The intelligent enchantment plugin for bukkit.

Currently i'm completely rewriting this, stay tuned for a more efficient and intelligent version! You hate the minecraft chooses enchantments? You want to select the enchantments? Then you have found a solution!
This plugin allows users to enchant their items as they wish, while you are able to define the prices and currencies.
You can even use money from your economy system as currency.
Furthermore you are able to give users and yourself experience and experience points or you can enchant your stuff far beyond the vanilla borders.
Here is a full list of all the features:

  • Users can enchant their tools, weapons and armor as they wish
  • Access fully controllable via permissions or using the vanilla OP system
    • Also the access can be further limited to keep enchantment tables useful(See the configuration page)
  • Prices can be configured for each level of each enchantment
  • Currently 3 usable currencies(See the configuration page):
    • Vanilla Experience levels
    • Vanilla Experience Points
    • Money from a Vault compatible economy system
  • Intelligent enchantment matching(See the parameters page)
  • Extremely easy to use, take a look at the Tutorial


[Parameter] is optional, <Parameter> is required.
Take a look at the Parameter page.

  • /pxp - Displays the help content
  • /pxp ls - Shows available enchantments for your current item
  • /pxp <Enchantment> - Shows details on the specific enchantment
  • /pxp <Enchantment> <Level> - Enchants your current item
  • /pxp rm - Remove all enchantments from your current item
  • /pxp max - Enchant your item to the maximum(Every enchantment, level 127)
  • /pxp g [User] <amount> - Give yourself/the user <amount> Experience
  • /pxp gl [User] <amount> - Give yourself/the user <amount> levels

For more details see Permissions and Commands

How to set it up

It is simple:

  1. Download the latest file for your Bukkit version
  2. Put it in your plugins folder
  3. Reload or restart the server
  4. Adjust the prices and currencies in the configuration(plugins/pEXP/config.yml)
  5. Reload or restart again
  6. optional: Set up the permissions
  7. Enjoy! For configuration help see configuration.


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