
This plug-in allows users to self-promote themselves to a provided static set of "ranks" using money or experience. Administrators can also promote/demote and specifically assign any of the defined ranks to a user at any time without taking player money or experience.

A "rank" is defined as a group and you can have as many of them as you like. Each "rank" allows you to define the price, experience cost, display name of the rank and the required group it will be using.

PayRank also provides simple chat coloring and formatting that can be configured to each rank.

See Configuration for further details.

Uses Metrics for sending completely anonymous data to for usage tracking.

CraftBukkit 1.4.7

The current version of PayRank appears to work fine on CB 1.4.7. No updates are needed. If you find a specific problem, please report it.

An update with new features will be made available as time permits.


Please note the following:

  • PayRank requires plug-in Vault for managing both permissions and economy.


This is a list of the available commands that can be used:

/payRank helpDisplays help depending on other permissions.
/payRank purchaseIncrements the player to the next rank, if they can afford it.
/payRank listList all available ranks and their prices.
/payRank promote <player>Promote the user to the next rank regardless of cost.
/payRank demote <player>Decreases the player to the previous rank. No refunds !
/payRank give <player> <rank>Give the user the exact rank regardless of level and cost.
/payRank remove <player>Removes the current rank from the user entirely.
/payRank current [player]Displays the current rank assigned to yourself or if given, the player.
/payRank reloadReloads all the configuration files for the plug-in.


This is a list of the available permissions:

payrank.listAbility to list all available ranks.
payrank.purchaseAbility to purchase a rank.
payrank.promoteAbility to promote other players to the next rank regardless of cost.
payrank.demoteAbility to demote other players to their previous rank.
payrank.giveAbility to give a user the exact rank regardless of level and cost.
payrank.removeAbility to remove the current rank from a user leaving them with no rank assigned.
payrank.currentAbility to see the current rank of yourself.
payrank.current.othersAbility to see the current rank of others.
payrank.reloadAbility to reload the plug-in configurations.

Latest Changes

Version 1.2.3
  • Updated to support CB 1.3.2-R1.0
  • Appears to support CB 1.4.7-R1.0
Version 1.2.2 - For Bukkit 1.3.2-R0.1 ONLY
  • Changed event PlayerChatEvent to AsyncPlayerChatEvent to support other chat plug-ins better (Factions for example)
Version 1.2.1
  • Fixed issue with world permissions using bPermissions
  • Fixed minor display bug in /payrank list
  • Added additional bugging code
  • Added usage of Metrics for sending completely anonymous data to for usage tracking.

See the Change Log for further details.

Coming Soon (still in planning)

  • Multiple rank tree's. Ability to have several tree's in which users can be ranked within.
  • Ability to assign multiple groups to a single rank so you can combine groups.
  • Self-promote based on time spent in game (optional separate rank tree)
  • Self-promote through signs.
  • Other suggestions ?

Reporting errors

If submitting an error, please try to provide as much details as you can. Example: (but not limited to)

  • Commands run
  • Configuration files
  • Permission manager used
  • Bukkit version
  • Detailed steps to reproduce (should it not be just the commands)

Any or all of the above will go a long way in helping me resolve your problem quickly and efficiently. All tickets will be looked at, but those that are written best will take priority.


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