
PayForDay Banner
Tired of players asking for day all the time? Well then this is the plugin for you! PayForDay enables users to pay money to a balance so that when it reaches the configurable threshold, the time is set to day. This means that players don't have to pay the full threshold themselves but several players can put money in to the balance and make it day. If not enough money is raised the balance will carry over to the next night. This sytem allows players to choose when to make it day but still allows there to be the occasional night for mob hunting.


  • Configurable balance threshold (The amount of money needed to make it day)
  • Global and world specific messages
  • Option for world specific PayForDay balances
  • Permission for free usage (Good for donor ranks)
  • Enabled world list
  • Config reload command

This plugin requires Vault and an economy plugin!
Configuration File Help


  • /payforday <amount> - This is the main command used to add money to the threshold balance
  • /payforday reload - Reloads the config file


  • payforday.* - Gives all payforday permissions
  • - Makes the payforday command free (Default OP only)
  • payforday.reload - Reloads the config file (Default OP only command)

Todo list:

  • Language file support - Done!
  • Payforsun
  • Payforday delay (stops players spamming)
  • Payforstay
  • Support for different '$' sign - Done! (Change in lang file)

If you have any issues with the plugin write a ticket otherwise let me know in the comments. If you want anything else added to the plugin PM me or write it in the comments and I'll try my best to add it.

If I've helped you at all, feel free to donate below, I'll be forever thankful for any donations I recieve, big or small <3



  • SimbaZockt ($5 donation)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 28, 2015
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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