


PartyMusic is a plugin designed with simplicity in mind. It plays music using the Spout server mod and the SpoutCraft client mod and stores the locations of music file URLs as names so that they can be easily remembered and can be played quickly. PartyMusic requires no configuration whatsoever, so you can install it without having to worry.


PartyMusic uses the following permissions through the Bukkit permissions system:

Required to use /music list to list songs that can be played using /music play.
Required to use /music play to play music that has already been set up using /music set.
Required to use /music set and /music remove to modify the available track list.
Required to use /music stop to stop music that is already playing.

How to use it

PartyMusic uses SpoutPlugin and SpoutCraft clients to play music for players.

  1. Install SpoutPlugin on your server.
  2. Make sure that any players who want to hear music have the SpoutCraft client installed.
  3. Upload your music to a web server. You must have a direct link to the uploaded file, since it is fetched directly from the URL.
  4. Use /music set <track name> <url> to add the music to the track list.
  5. Use /music play <track name> to start playing music!

Source Code

For those who are interested, full source code for this simple mod is available on GitHub. Feel free to use the source code in any way you like.


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