Parties v1.6.6
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UploadedDec 4, 2016
Size239.86 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.11
- 1.10
- 1.9
- 1.8.1
- 1.8
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
Update 1.6.6:
- Fixed API
- Fixed addPlayerInParty
- Fixed removePlayerFromParty
- Ready for 1.11
Update 1.6.5:
- Improved friendly fire system
- Now protect from Enderpearls and Snowballs
- Fixed wrong version bungeecord alternative
- Improved init code
Update 1.6.4:
- Improved chat command
- Fixed wrong message on chat change
- Updated Vault repository (1.5>1.6)
Parties 1.6.3 needs an update in messages.yml (2 new lines)
Update 1.6.3:
- Added 2 new strings into messages
- database.none
- database.wrong-cmd
- Removed useless strings ("only-leader")
- Updated italian translation pack
Update 1.6.2:
- Improved init classes order, fixed error of AsyncPlayerChat
- Fixed "Convertin old tables" no colored
Parties 1.6.1 needs an update in config.yml (1 new line): database.sql.enable.
Update 1.6.1:
- Improved SQL system
- New option to enable SQL without change database type (For migrations)
Parties is now open source! Follow the wiki before update!
Parties 1.6.0 needs an update in config.yml (133 new lines) and in messages.yml (32 new lines)
Parties 1.6.0:
- Parties Open Source!
- Added Bungeecord system:
- Now the plugin can run on Bukkit/Spigot and Bungeecord!
- Follow the wiki for the setup
- Your party will follow other party mates on server change!
- Added PlaceholderAPI support:
- Use your placeholders into messages
- Use parties placeholders in your chat!
- Added Dynmap support:
- Show party homes in your dynmap map!
- HTML supported
- Layer name supported
- Default visibility supported
- Added BanManager support:
- Now muted people cannot speak
- Ban a player will remove him from the party
- Reworked ranks system:
- Removed leader rank
- Only 1 owner (leader)
- All ranks customizable
- Admin can set rank of all players
- New internal permissions system
- Added password system:
- Optional
- Password command
- Password hashed in MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256
- Added join system:
- For password system
- Join command
- Join into a party, without a password too
- Admin can join in all parties
- Added 2 new placeholders:
- rank
- rank_formatted
- Added follow-party feature:
- Setup your plugin to send all players of a party into a server/world
- Bungeecord support
- Worlds support
- Added auto command feature:
- Choose which rank can force the command of other players
- Command used will be used on all party players
- Blacklist & whitelist commands (To avoid exploit)
- Reworked log system:
- Added MySQL support
- Added prefixes for the log (With time and date too)
- 3 levels of logging: 1, 2, 3 (3 full debugger)
- Count how many parties are loaded at reload (Log level 2)
- Added a delay into motd
- Reworked Vault support:
- Vault prefixes and suffixes supported
- New vault system
- Added command confirm
- Confirm a command before send money
- Timeout in ms
- Optional command
- New permission to bypass prices: parties.admin.vaultbypass
- Now Parties force party commands (For example: override MCMMO party)
- Now you can see which party invited you
- New regex (allowed-chars):
- Party name
- Description
- Prefix/suffix
- Changed a lot of messages
- Improved structure of the plugin:
- Code
- Configuration
- Improved API:
- Added createParty
- Added deleteParty
- Added getRank & getRankList
- Added documentations
- Improved code
- Changed getPartyLeader, return UUID
- New documentation here.
- Improved database type none:
- Disband party on leader quit
- Send a message on party disband
- Added a timeout before deletion
- Improved party save system:
- Now if the party doesn't have a desc/motd/etc.., it won't create an empty line
- Improved home system:
- Now you can tp to other party homes
- Improved Friendly Fire system
- Added protection to fire arro:ws and potions (except lingering)
- Multi world support
- Improved members command
- Improved info command (now is changeable)
- Improved p command
- Fixed dangerous bug for duplicate parties