
Big Brother just got bigger.

Vox Populi Website


After hearing about countless instances of dupers lasting months without being caught, I decided to create something revolutionary. OmniVision strives to give Admins ultimate knowledge of the item circulation in their servers. Want to track the amount of diamonds people have? Or simply when they have too much? All of this and more is possible with OmniVision. Inspired by Zombiemold, owner of the Voxpopuli Network, OmniVision was designed by server admins for server admins. With simple command schemes, and relatively little lag, it is a tool any admin can easily pick up and learn.


  • Configurable notifications allow you to decide how many of a certain item a chest should have before alerting admins.
  • Checks the inventories of players live in order to quickly inform admins of suspicious inventories.
  • Items are defined with a special key value system, allowing OmniVision to be incredibly specific.
  • You can spawn the logs from OmniVision in Book Form, in game.
  • Quickly teleport to or open the inventory of any chest located by a scan.
  • Use a blacklisting system to quickly ban and wipe items from all active chests.


  • "/scan" or "/ov sc": Scan every chest on the server to find contraband.
  • "/ov page [Page #]":  Change pages of large Scans.
  • "/ov tp [Chest #]":  Teleport directly to a chest found in a scan.
  • "/ov open [Chest #]": Open the inventory of a chest, no matter where you are.
  • "/ov locate [Chest #]": Finds the locations of a chest.


OmniVision is incredibly easy and intuitive to configure. Inside it has a limits section, in which you define the items you want OmniVision to scan for. Each Item is defined on it's own line, and is represented by a systems of Keys and Values. The blacklist system requires only a material name. Required:
  • Type: The material (Type:DIAMOND)
  • Amount: The minimum amount for OmniVision to scan for (Amount:20)
  • EnchantsOne or more enchantments, separated by ";" (Enchants:Name-Level;thorns-2)
  • Durability: The durability of an item (Durability:1)
  • Name: The item's display name (Name:Conquest_Token)
  • Lore: The item's lore, with lines separated by ";" (Lore:Line1;Line2)
  • Color: LEATHER ONLY The color of the item in r-g-b format (Color:255-10-255)
  • MetaEnch: ENCHANTED_BOOK ONLY The enchantment on the book (See Enchants)
  • Data: The item's data, most commonly used for potions (Data:1)
Example Config


  • omnivision.use- Allow a player to use OmniVision Commands
  • Allow a player to read OmniVision messages

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    About This Project

    • Project ID
    • Created
      Oct 4, 2013
    • Last Released File
      Mar 25, 2014
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