This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


OMC was fun to make, but unfortunately I am unable to make what I wanted to make. No website back end, and no time to work on it. Because of this, I have decided to let the stress off my website and enable Maintenance Mode on the plugins API. I will mark this as inactive, as I might come back in the summer, but since there is no administrative backbone watching over the cases, there is no security in this plugin, and no point for it to remain a burden on my site. If anyone wishes to continue working on this, I am willing to discuss this. Just note that the website back end is programmed inefficiently :).


Version 0.02 is now released!

OMC is a csgo overwatch style global banning system. During a player ban dispute, five community members are chosen to decide the fate of a disputed ban.

How the system works

A player has to become banned for them to begin a dispute. After becoming banned, the player either has to find another server running OMC, or connect to a master, always on server (Master server list here). Once on the server, the player has to create his dispute by providing the banned server address and a reason for unban. Once that has been submitted, the administrators on the banned server will be notified to provide proof in regards to the players case. Once they provide proof, the case becomes opened and five administrators looking for a case will be assigned to place a verdict. They will be provided with the banned players UUID, their reason for dispute, the server id, the case id and the administrators uploaded proof. Once their verdict has been passed, you will either become unbanned globally, or remain on the global ban system.

Commands (<> = required, () = not required)

  • /oban <player> <reason> - Bans the player with the given reason.
  • /uban (UUID) <player> - Unbans the UUID/player.
  • /sactivate - Prints out the server token to allow access into the API.
  • /omc case - The main command for dealing with ban disputes, and judging OMC cases.
  • /omc case dispute <serverip> (port) <reason> - Disputes a case on a server. Server ip can be a url (Ex.
  • /omc case proof <playername/UUID> <URL> <reason/proof desc> - Upload proof for the given player. If the player cannot be found as an offline player, you will need to supply a UUID. This is temporary, as I try to figure out the UUID API. The URL is a link to screenshots (imgur, etc) and the reason is anything else you need to add.
  • /omc case judge <caseid> <Guilty/NotGuilty> - Judge a case with the given id (must be assigned)
  • /omc case accept - Find and automatically accept a case.
  • /omc case scan - Scan for open cases to judge.
  • /omc case status <caseid> - Checks the status of a case. Displays verdict, uuid, serverid, etc.
  • /omc case caseids - Displays case ids (ban dispute numbers) for the executing player.
  • /omc check <playername> - Checks for global bans on fishbans.


  • omc.* - All administrative permissions will be granted!
  • omc.ban - Allows banning to the player.
  • omc.unban - Allows unbanning to the player
  • - Allows the player see the bans the joining player has on record.
  • omc.proof - Allows the player to upload proof for a ban.
  • - Allows the judging of cases (Only give to responsible players since an incorrect verdict on decisive proof could cause your server to become flagged)


Once the plugin is installed, run /sactivate. This will add your server to our system, and give you a serverid. Enter this serverid into the ServerToken slot. Your server is now configured to run OMC!

Ban Evidence

All bans must contain decisive proof before banning on OMC. If there is no proof and the player disputes it, you will lose the case. Please keep all proof of a player ban in a folder just in case of any disputes that may occur :P.


All updates will be on this webpage!


If anything odd occurs during plugin operation or during a case, don't hesitate to create a ticket at Through that ticket system, I will be able to contact you directly and attempt to solve any incorrect case verdicts, plugin bugs, server flags, etc :).

Master Servers

Master servers are always available servers designed for ticket disputes and OMC case judgement. Here is a list of master servers available for connection.

Ban List

A ban list is available here!

Disclaimer and Information

For this plugin to operate, you must be able to connect to at all times and not be in offline mode! If you are in offline mode, the plugin will refuse to work. If a user manages to bypass the offline mode check, any commands entered using the API will flag the server and it will be unable to connect to the API until the flag is removed. While a server is flagged, the MOTD changes and the server will become inaccessible until the flag is either removed or the plugin uninstalled. Also, connections to occur during banning, unbanning, checking for bans (on connection), checking for separate player messages (on connection), generating the server key, a player opening a dispute, the server checking for disputes (on connection), uploading proof on a ban, accepting and finding open OMC cases and judging a case. Connections connect to, mojangs api, and fishbans api.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 4, 2016
  • Last Released File
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