


  • 0 arguments: This command is only runnable by server ops. This gives the kit of all possible types of wands, all pre-written spellbooks, and the Deathly Hallows.
  • 1 argument: This will reload the config file to use the most recent configuration set. Type "/Okit reload".
  • 1-2 arguments: This version of the command can only be executed by server ops. The first argument can either be "wands" or "books". This will give you only the wands in the plugin or only the books in the plugin. The second argument can be an integer, specifying how many copies of the wands or books you want. "/Okit wands" will give you only the wands in the plugin. "/Okit books 10" will give you 10 copies of each book in the plugin.
  • 4-5 arguments: This version of the command can be used to automate the wand-giving process using command blocks, and can only be executed by the console or command blocks. The first argument must be "wand". The second argument must be the receiving player's name. This can be substituted with the @p symbol for command block use. The third and fourth argument must be the first letter of the wood type and core type of the wand you wish to give, respectively. These can be substituted with asterisks (*) if you want a random type of core or wood to be given. The optional last argument can be "t" or "f" for True or False. True will cause the command to search the player's inventory for a wand, and if they have one, replace it with the new wand. If they don't have one, a new wand will be added to their inventory. False will perform the same action, but will only replace the wand if is not their destined type, performing no action if the player has their destined type of wand. If they don't have a wand in their inventory, this adds a wand. Without the last argument, a new wand will be added to the player's inventory regardless of whether or not there are other wands in it already.