A Minecraft take on One in the Chamber, the CoD classic!
Players start with a bow, a wooden sword, and one arrow and battle it out until the kill or time limit is reached. Arrow hits are insta-kills, and the firer gets his or her arrow back, plus another. Players are re-equipped when they respawn.
Video coming soon!
- Download the latest build and place it in your plugin directory
- Start your server
- Place any custom listeners in the .../plugins/OneInTheGun/listeners directory and reload your server to load them
- In-game, set the global lobby to your current location with /oitg setgloballobby
Arena Creation
- Create an arena with /oitg create <name>
- In-game, set the arena lobby to your current location with /oitg setlobby <arena>
- In-game, add an arena spawn point at your current location with /oitg addspawn <arena>
- Customize gameplay in the arena with /oitg settings <arena> <setting> <value>
- The arena is ready to be joined! Create a sign with "oitg" on the first line and the name of the arena on the second; the plugin will generate an arena sign that players can right-click to join:
/oitg addspawn <arena> - places an arena spawn at your location
/oitg arenas [state] - lists arenas by state (waiting/starting/ingame/closed)
/oitg clearspawns <arena> - removes all spawn points from an arena
/oitg close <arena> - closes an open arena
/oitg create <name> - creates a new arena
/oitg delete <arena> - permanently deletes an arena
/oitg fstart <arena> [delay] - forces the round in an arena to start (delay is in seconds)
/oitg fstop <arena> [delay] - forces the round in an arena to end (delay is in seconds)
/oitg info <arena> - displays arena settings and information
/oitg join <arena> - joins an arena (as if right-clicking an arena sign)
/oitg kick <arena> <player/all> - kicks a player from an arena or empty an entire arena
/oitg leaderboard <arena> [page number] - displays the kill-death leaderboard for an arena
/oitg leave - exits your arena
/oitg open <arena> - opens a closed arena
/oitg rename <arena> <name> - changes the name of an arena (and, subsequently, of its .arena file)
/oitg save <arena> - saves an edited arena
/oitg setlobby <arena> - places the lobby of an arena to your current location
/oitg settings <arena> <setting> <value> - modifies an arena setting
/oitg help [page number] - displays command descriptions and usage
/oitg loadlisteners - reloads custom killstreak and victory listeners
/oitg reload - reloads the plugin configuration
/oitg search <username> - looks up the arena in a which a user is playing
/oitg version - displays plugin version and author information
- oneinthegun.arena.allowcommands
- description: Permission to run non-OITG commands whilst in an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.create
- description: Permission to create arenas
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.delete
- description: Permission to delete arenas
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.forcestart
- description: Permission to force-start the round in an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.forcestop
- description: Permission to force-stop the round in an arena
default: op -
- description: Permission to view arena round info and settings
default: true - oneinthegun.arena.join
- description: Permission to join arenas
default: everyone - oneinthegun.arena.kick
- description: Permission to kick players from arenas
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.leaderboard
- description: Permission to view arena leaderboards
default: everyone - oneinthegun.arena.list
- description: Permission to list arenas
default: everyone - oneinthegun.arena.rename
- description: Permission to rename arenas
default: op -
- description: Permission to save an arena (used if the 'save-arena-on-edit' node is set to 'false' in the config)
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.settings.blockplace
- description: Permission to toggle whether block placing is enabled in an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.settings.blockbreak
- description: Permission to toggle whether block breaking is enabled in an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.settings.healthregen
- description: Permission to toggle whether health regeneration is enabled in an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.settings.hunger
- description: Permission to toggle whether hunger is enabled in an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.settings.itemdrop
- description: Permission to toggle whether item dropping is enabled in an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.settings.itempickup
- description: Permission to toggle whether item pickup is enabled in an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.settings.killlimit
- description: Permission to set the kill limit of an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.settings.mobcombat
- description: Permission to toggle whether combat with mobs is allowed in an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.settings.playerlimit
- description: Permission to set the player limit of an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.settings.timelimit
- description: Permission to set the time limit of an arena round
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.settings.startcount
- description: Permission to set the start count of an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.setlobby
- description: Permission to place the lobby of an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.signs
- description: Permission to create and destroy arena signs
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.spawns.add
- description: Permission to add arena spawn points
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.spawns.clear
- description: Permission to clear arena spawn points
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.toggleclosed
- description: Permission to open and close arenas
default: op - oneinthegun.loadlisteners
- description: Permission to reload custom listeners
default: op - oneinthegun.reload
- description: Permission to reload the config
default: op -
- description: Permission to lookup the arena a player is currently in
default: everyone - oneinthegun.setgloballobby
- description: Permission to place the global lobby
default: op
um can u add in a join limit bypass permission?
Each arena has a scoreboard, which displays the top 10 players by kill (i.e. the players on the first page of the leaderboard, accessed via /leaderboard <arena>). If the scoreboard isn't showing up for you (it only displays once the round has started), submit a ticket and I'll look into it.
Also if you have time please please please add a scoreboard feature.
Read #2
wait so you only get back an arrow from killing someone with a bow? what about killing someone with a sword or with other weapon? you dnt get an arrow?.. hmm I guess I'll wait for the next update.
@marvzzz23 The plugin is performing well and will only continue to improve. :)
omg finally a new chamber version, will this be an ongoing plugin ? and how is the plugin working so far?
HI I have been trying to use this plugin but I was wondering a few things. 1. When i kill someone with the sword I dont get an arrow? 2. Is there a way to make it so if i shoot someone they only get 1 arrow back? 3. What are the different settings that can be toggled with /oitg settings <arena> <setting> <value>? 4. Other then that excellent plugin a lot of fun
This plugin will be updated and improved indefinitely.
What are the plans for development of this plugin? I need a plugin that won't be abandoned.
Nice :D
I think someone did /give xD
Reporting an arrow bug from one of my players saying you are only suppose to get one arrow but he got 3 stacks o_O
That's because the config has a default global lobby that's clearly in a dangerous place in your particular world. Set it wherever you like with /setgloballobby (sets it to your current position).
BUG: I don't know but when i put the plugin in my server everyone started being tped to a certain location and dieing! I had to instant remove this plugin! Any help?
Economy :D?
Money only for win arena.
While those errors affect OITG (and thus it appears in the stacktrace), they originate in other plugins - namely GriefPrevention and Multiverse-Core (look at the "caused by" section of each trace). I was unable to reproduce any of those errors on a test server that wasn't running the two plugins previously mentioned.
Looks like a good plugin. If it's anything like what the Hive has, I think me and my friends are going to have some fun, assuming I can actually get them to come on my server...
edit: it would be great if it didn't have bugs like the one that caused msot of the tracebacks in this log:
I know nothing about it .. Maybe add some money for the win. Needless to say killstreak
@JvS15NL Look for permissions-based perks in the next update.
@KevinEssence Rounds start automatically once an arena's start count is reached (set it with /oitg settings <arena> start-count <count>).
@globox99 If you can provide a use-case that can't be covered with the killstreak/victory API, I'll consider it.
@Clayblock That's an instance of a larger Minecraft issue - inventories don't always update immediately (client-side) when modified server-side.