A Minecraft take on One in the Chamber, the CoD classic!
Players start with a bow, a wooden sword, and one arrow and battle it out until the kill or time limit is reached. Arrow hits are insta-kills, and the firer gets his or her arrow back, plus another. Players are re-equipped when they respawn.
Video coming soon!
- Download the latest build and place it in your plugin directory
- Start your server
- Place any custom listeners in the .../plugins/OneInTheGun/listeners directory and reload your server to load them
- In-game, set the global lobby to your current location with /oitg setgloballobby
Arena Creation
- Create an arena with /oitg create <name>
- In-game, set the arena lobby to your current location with /oitg setlobby <arena>
- In-game, add an arena spawn point at your current location with /oitg addspawn <arena>
- Customize gameplay in the arena with /oitg settings <arena> <setting> <value>
- The arena is ready to be joined! Create a sign with "oitg" on the first line and the name of the arena on the second; the plugin will generate an arena sign that players can right-click to join:
/oitg addspawn <arena> - places an arena spawn at your location
/oitg arenas [state] - lists arenas by state (waiting/starting/ingame/closed)
/oitg clearspawns <arena> - removes all spawn points from an arena
/oitg close <arena> - closes an open arena
/oitg create <name> - creates a new arena
/oitg delete <arena> - permanently deletes an arena
/oitg fstart <arena> [delay] - forces the round in an arena to start (delay is in seconds)
/oitg fstop <arena> [delay] - forces the round in an arena to end (delay is in seconds)
/oitg info <arena> - displays arena settings and information
/oitg join <arena> - joins an arena (as if right-clicking an arena sign)
/oitg kick <arena> <player/all> - kicks a player from an arena or empty an entire arena
/oitg leaderboard <arena> [page number] - displays the kill-death leaderboard for an arena
/oitg leave - exits your arena
/oitg open <arena> - opens a closed arena
/oitg rename <arena> <name> - changes the name of an arena (and, subsequently, of its .arena file)
/oitg save <arena> - saves an edited arena
/oitg setlobby <arena> - places the lobby of an arena to your current location
/oitg settings <arena> <setting> <value> - modifies an arena setting
/oitg help [page number] - displays command descriptions and usage
/oitg loadlisteners - reloads custom killstreak and victory listeners
/oitg reload - reloads the plugin configuration
/oitg search <username> - looks up the arena in a which a user is playing
/oitg version - displays plugin version and author information
- oneinthegun.arena.allowcommands
- description: Permission to run non-OITG commands whilst in an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.create
- description: Permission to create arenas
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.delete
- description: Permission to delete arenas
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.forcestart
- description: Permission to force-start the round in an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.forcestop
- description: Permission to force-stop the round in an arena
default: op -
- description: Permission to view arena round info and settings
default: true - oneinthegun.arena.join
- description: Permission to join arenas
default: everyone - oneinthegun.arena.kick
- description: Permission to kick players from arenas
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.leaderboard
- description: Permission to view arena leaderboards
default: everyone - oneinthegun.arena.list
- description: Permission to list arenas
default: everyone - oneinthegun.arena.rename
- description: Permission to rename arenas
default: op -
- description: Permission to save an arena (used if the 'save-arena-on-edit' node is set to 'false' in the config)
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.settings.blockplace
- description: Permission to toggle whether block placing is enabled in an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.settings.blockbreak
- description: Permission to toggle whether block breaking is enabled in an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.settings.healthregen
- description: Permission to toggle whether health regeneration is enabled in an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.settings.hunger
- description: Permission to toggle whether hunger is enabled in an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.settings.itemdrop
- description: Permission to toggle whether item dropping is enabled in an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.settings.itempickup
- description: Permission to toggle whether item pickup is enabled in an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.settings.killlimit
- description: Permission to set the kill limit of an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.settings.mobcombat
- description: Permission to toggle whether combat with mobs is allowed in an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.settings.playerlimit
- description: Permission to set the player limit of an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.settings.timelimit
- description: Permission to set the time limit of an arena round
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.settings.startcount
- description: Permission to set the start count of an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.setlobby
- description: Permission to place the lobby of an arena
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.signs
- description: Permission to create and destroy arena signs
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.spawns.add
- description: Permission to add arena spawn points
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.spawns.clear
- description: Permission to clear arena spawn points
default: op - oneinthegun.arena.toggleclosed
- description: Permission to open and close arenas
default: op - oneinthegun.loadlisteners
- description: Permission to reload custom listeners
default: op - oneinthegun.reload
- description: Permission to reload the config
default: op -
- description: Permission to lookup the arena a player is currently in
default: everyone - oneinthegun.setgloballobby
- description: Permission to place the global lobby
default: op
Would love to download this if it were 1.7.2+!!!
Hey please fix the global lobby cause everytime a member joins and rejoins it spawns the back at the lobby not the orignal place they were at btw this is anywhere in minecraft
Please fix the inventory clear at the end of game
An update is coming soon guys ;)
look my oitg game never ends i need to kick everyone out to restart please fix it
How can I do a Listener?
Why does it reset my spawn to a random location....... i cant reset my spawn to where i want it to be. Like if i disconnect then rejoin, it puts me somewhere else. But if i do /spawn it sends me to my spawn Edit Never mind, found out i had to set globallobby
do not think that he will update this plugin
Can you add that if you lose your arrow in not hitting another player and you kill him with your sword, you get the arrow back! And also make that if you kill smbdy with an arrow, you get only one arrow back! You would be a god if you would add Vault money support!! Thank you very much!
pvp is set to true in the Multiverse-Core worlds.yml file for the world..... Idk what is happening...
Yes I do use Multiverse I will check for that thanks @haydenaa
Do you use Multiverse? I've found in Multiverse that it defaults PvP to false in the world. That may be why. Other than that, I don't know.
I want to start by saying I love the plugin, but I have one big problem with it. The problem being, we can't hit each other in game. We can shoot other players, but we can't hit them with a sword, fist, bow, etc. I don't know if this is a bug with the plugin or if it is clashing with another plugin. The only plugin that it could potentially clash with in my server is NoCheatPlus. I have tried many options to fix this problem, but none have worked. If anyone knows what the problem is please comment.
Is the plugin NoCheatPlus compatible?
Where is the source code? If you have GNU v3 license, you have to make the sourcecode public!
you should get a wiki bro. what does the "Join-to-lobby: True" mean? could you please help me?
How do you change how many players can join and how many it requires to start?
i setup my arena and it looked to work fine, but when someone kills another player there is the deadmassage in the chat but the player doenst die? Can someone help me with that!?