Obsidian Breaker
What is this?
This is a plugin that allows players to destroy obsidian, ender chests, enchanting tables or custom blocks with TNT and creepers among other things after a set amount of explosions. Really useful for faction servers.
It will also display cracks on the block depending on the remaining health of the block (optional).
How to use it?
You're ready to roll, just drop this in your plugin folder. You may however consider changing the default configuration.
How to configure it then?
obsidianbreaker.test | Allow user to test the durability of a block using the specified tool |
obsidianbreaker.reload | Allow user to reload the config using /ob reload |
BlastRadius | How large the blast radius should be. (Only applies to this plugin) | |
LiquidMultiplier | How many times harder it should be to damage the block if there's water there. | |
DurabilityChecker | Specify which item should be used to check the damage on the block. Stick (280) is default. | |
VoidProtector | Makes sure that blocks on y=0 don't explode, leaving holes into the void. | |
BedrockBlocking | Defines if blocks handled by this plugin shouldn't take damage if they're behind bedrock. | |
DisabledWorlds | List worlds that aren't affected by this plugin. | |
Drops | DropChance: How big chance (in percent) is there that a broken block will give drops. Default in Minecraft was 30 %. DontDrop: List of blocks that shouldn't be dropped by the plugin (such as bedrock) | |
Blocks | Specify which items this plugin applies to and the required amount of hits (item id): (required hits) | |
Regen | Frequency: How often blocks should regenerate in minutes. Set to -1 if you want to disable. Amount: How many hits the block should regenerate | |
BlockCracks | Enable: Set whether block cracks are enabled or not. Interval: How often the server should refresh the client (no more than 15 seconds is recommended!) | |
ExplosionSources | Specify how much damage a specific explosion source should make to blocks handled by this plugin (entity name): (damage) |
Anything else
If there's anything wrong, anything missing or another thing that didn't make you satisfied, please consider opening a ticket or leave a comment here below.
Nice plugin. Having issues with cracks.
"Generic reflections failed" "could not find NMS"
Bonjour je recherche un plugin pour casser l obsidian sur minecraft bedrock edition pour un serveur pvp faction merci
Best Obsidian Breaker plug not only obsidian but other blocks too and can check durability's easy and multiplier I don't under stand XD Nice 1.
Will this plugin work on 1.7.10? I need an answer asap!
How to make the super creeper give more damage?
I absolutely love this plug-in. Please please add 1.11.2 support the config doesn't generate sometimes. even if I have to pay for a pro version of the plug-in I would as long as it supports sponge and spigot. I really need this plug-in that blows bedrock and can control the blasts.
I was wondering if this works on factions because I am currently running it in my factions server and the obsidian won't break when it is claimed
I have this problem, (i am running 1.8 paperspigot) and no errors in console when happening, if i set water and put a tnt in it and exploding the tnt the obsidian are losing 1 durability? It should't do it when there is water.. How cani be able to make tnt cannons?
Your plugin will cause crashes due to unsafe asynchronous calls. See https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/server-crashing-unexpectedly.207757/
In reply to The_Doctor_:
Could you please specify what doesn't work?
Support 1.11 plz ^^
@BlackGoldKnight Version 2.3 is now released which support the latest Minecraft versions.
@Fudool8 The plugin is released under GNU GPLv3, so go ahead. Block cracks were simply being deactivated by the plugin for every major update when it found out the version wasn't supported, so nothing is breaking (and the logs will tell you that as well). The only practical thing you did was remove the warning message.
For anyone who might need a bit of help making this plugin work, I've done some editing and have a working version. I'm not going to post a binary without the dev's approval, but I'll share the steps I took:
- Remove anything dealing with the cracks feature. The NMS stuff breaks on major updates. I'm cool without the cracks feature, it'd be nice to have, but the breaking plugin is less nice.
- For fixing the enderdragon crashes: you can add a check on the isValidBlock method inside of StorageHandler to check a set of worlds you define in the config. Ignore the end. Of course this means bases in the end are no longer feasible with factions etc because obby is once again invincible. I recommend disabling factions in that world.
Is there going to be a 1.10 compatible version made?
Nice, thanks dude! C:
I updated your plugin if you want to do a pull and merge it...actually pretty simple. *For 1.9.4 ONLY* https://github.com/MCTyler/ObsidianBreaker/wiki
Same issue, causes server to crash and causes massive lag when fighting the ender dragon.
Hi! Does this have 1.9 compatibility? When I start the server it says not support for 1.9, but that may be just a warning and disable feature. Anyway to force it start?