Supported Bukkit Versions
- Fixed guild info to recognise player nicks
- Fixed some admin commands (inviting)
- Money managment commands for admins
- Finally fixed ally chat
- Using stuff at regions for allied guys
- Wars
- Fixed abandon for admins
- Fixed ally/guild chat
- Changing guild's name (admin)
- Changing guild's tag (admin)
- Teleporting to guild's home (admin)
- Language support
- Fixed creating guilds
- Added groups (guild creating requirements)
- Some other cool admin commands
- Points for guilds
- HolographicDisplays top (test!) Turn debug on, /ng hd top (also try /ng hd <guild>
- Saving data (/nga save [players/guilds/regions])
- Allies (and pvp deny for allies)
- Cleaned some stuff
- Added some admin commands and usage lists
- Fixed region selection
- Changeable tool item
- Added /g command
- Fixed home set
- Changing guild's leader
- Removed EnderCrystal that caused huge explosion, I was testing something and forgot.
- Guild's bank cmds, pay and withdraw
- Region bypass toggle
- Some admin commands
- Some commands fixes
- Some permissions fixed
- Broadcast messages
- Automatic SQL tables setup!
- TagAPI added
- Region selection, buying
- Some changes in code
- Configurable tool's lore (/ng tool)
- Broadcast messages
- Leaving guilds
- Abandoning should be working well
- HolographicDisplays stuff, disabled for now.
- TabAPI fixed.
- Some other stuff i forgot
- Lots of permissions
- Lots of commands
- Lots of code
- Lots of everything
- Lots of bugs
- MySQL support