

Most of you do know Potion Effects from potions and splash potions, but also the effects from beacons or the view-wobble effect are Potion Effects. After the idea of ruaraidheu I decided to make those effects fully configurable. In the table below you can see all potion effects and what they do (more precisely information can be found here: Potion effects - Minecraft Wiki).


Will come soon...

Real NameConfig NameBukkit NameDescription
blindnessBlindnessblindnessBLINDNESSCreates black fog around the player. Prevents sprinting and critical hits.
fire_resistanceFire Resistancefire_resistanceFIRE_RESISTANCEMakes the player resistant to fire and lava.
hasteHastehasteFAST_DIGGINGArm swings faster and blocks break faster.
hungerHungerhungerHUNGERFoodmeter decreases faster (needless for this plugin...).
Instant Damageinstand_damageHARMInstant health loss.
Instant Healinstant_healHEALInstant health gain.
invisibilityInvisibilityinvisibilityINVISIBILITYPlayer disappears and mobs won't attack him unless the player hits them.
jump_boostJump Boostjump_boostJUMPThe player can jump higher.
mining_fatigueMining Fatiguemining_fatigueSLOW_DIGGINGArm swings slower and blocks break slower.
nauseaNauseanauseaCONFUSIONView wobbles as if you stand in a portal.
night_visionNight Visionnight_visionNIGHT_VISIONIncreases brightness.
poisonPoisonpoisonPOISONDoes damage over time. Turns healthbar green while in effect.
regenerationRegenerationregenerationREGENERATIONRegenerates health over a time.
resistanceResistanceresistanceDAMAGE_RESISTANCEReduces incoming damage by 20%.
slownessSlownessslownessSLOWContracts FOV and decreases walking speed.
speedSpeedspeedSPEEDExpands FOV and increases walking speed.
strengthStrengthstrengthINCREASE_DAMAGEIncreases damage dealth with melee attacks.
water_breathingWater Breathingwater_breathingWATER_BREATHINGPlayer can breathe underwater while in effect
weaknessWeaknessweaknessWEAKNESSLowers attack power.
witherWitherwitherWITHERSimiliar to poison but it can kill you. Turns healthbar black while in effect.