Note: All of my projects have been converted to public domain. See for more information.
Introduction: Developed from a plugin request by np98765 on the forums, this plugin allows server administrators the ability to see all new players within a specified time interval. It can be used to greet and say hello, as a guide for who to watch more closely, or it can be used in conjunction with McBans to lookup your most nooby of noobs.
Note: NoobList will only record dates and times of users who join after it is installed. However, it is designed not to register existing players as "noobs."
- View all new players within a span of hours or days.
/nooblist [integer] <h|d>
- Look up an individual player's join date.
/nooblist join [playername]
- nooblist.list
- Add the NoobList jar to your server plugins folder
- Run or /reload your server to generate the default config.yml
- Edit the world name in the config if it is not already "world"
- Restart or reload your server for changes to take effect
Could you add a tag next to thier name in chat, also maybe when you press tab it has a tag next to their name? Maybe have it in the config where you can set how many days someone is called a noob and option for the noob tag for ops only or for everyone to see.
Hi again :D
Sorry for spam... I normally don't like to post two comments...
But, when I type "/nooblist 1 h" I get every noob (sorted by date descending, so that's okay...)
Shouldn't it filter, though? JW.
Thanks, NP
Cool :D
Whenever you're free and bored :P Enjoy your move!!
PS: Do you prefer I post issues/suggestions in tickets or comment here? Just wondering, because different developers prefer different things :)
That's definitely doable.. it might be a while though. I'm in the process of moving and time for coding is slim.
Is there any chance you could add a console option? When I remotely access console, I cant access everything...
If there isn't, no worries :D
Great Plugin! thanks for taking time to make this! gonna use it.
It's been really useful :D
It's nice to have your Moderators able to look up new people, instead of you yourself having to search through the console...
Thanks once again! :D Amazing job
Excellent! I'm glad you like it! =P I'll add your name to the description (I couldn't remember when I was typing it up lol)
Good idea guys, huh? (I requested it :P ) PS The new version works, yay!