No-Drop on death

This is a simple plugin that prevents the dropping of items on a player's death. So whenever a player dies, no matter what the cause, they will loose all their items, but not drop them. If you want a player to be exempt from this give them the permission "ddeckys.nodrop.exempt".

This plugin could probably be used in a roleplaying server or a minigame server where the players don't drop items. In future updates there will be more configurable updates such as configuring what items can or can't drop.

This is my first released plugin, so please be kind. If it doesn't work, explain what is happening in the comments or a ticket and I will try and fix it.

As for permissions, this is compatible with anything that uses the built in Bukkit permissions.

For those of you who drop everything when they die: You probably made yourself an operator (OP) or you gave yourself all permissions in your permissions plugin. All permissions includes the ddeckys.nodrop.exempt, meaning you'll drop everything as usual.

For those of you who do not drop everything, but want to: Did you give yourself the permission in your permissions plugin?

New Version! 1.1:

Here should be the download for V1.0


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 20, 2012
  • Last Released File
    May 23, 2013
  • Total Downloads
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