Nether Brick Backport

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

S4X8 Nether Brick Backport 1.0 (06/II/2013)

What is this?

This plugins adds a way to craft Nether Bricks and Nether Brick blocks on Minecraft 1.4.7 and possibly older versions.


To install the plugin on your Bukkit server, you may either download the pre-built version, or compile it yourself.

To compile it yourself, you need a working Maven enviroment. Then you have to grab the source code using GIT and compile it:

git clone
cd netherbrick
mvn clean package

Maven will automatically download all the dependencies. It may take more than five minutes if you have a slow internet connection, but usually it will take less than a minute.

The resulting compiled Java Archive file (.jar) ready to be used will be at /target. Just move it (or copy it) to Bukkit's plugin folder.


This plugins allows you to craft Nether Bricks and Nether Brick blocks just like you would do it in the 13w01a snapshot. Netherrack Smelting

To craft Nether Bricks, you have to smelt Netherrack on a Furnace, and you will get Nether Bricks. Then place these on a Crafting table as you would do with standard clay bricks, and you'll get Nether Brick blocks. Nether Brick block crafting


The plugin creates a folder called "Nether Brick Backport" on the Bukkit's plugin folder. Inside there is a YAML-based configuration file. You can change the item name (in case you want to localize it to match your server's language) and the item data value (which is a Java short, ranging from -32768 to +37767).

A note: the displayName is only a visual indication for the player. You can craft a Nether Brick block using four Nether Bricks with different names.

The data value, on the other side, must be the same for every Nether Brick, because it is the internal identifier used to know when the brick is a standard Clay Brick or a Nether Brick. Usually you won't need to change it, but I have provided the option in case the default conflicts with another plugin.


  • 06/II/2013 1.0: First release


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 11, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Feb 11, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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