
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

After much time without updates, I have come to the conclusion that I no longer have the time to maintain this project, and if you're a dev, you're welcome to fork it. Maybe somewhere in the future I'll regain interest in it, I happen to do that sometimes, but for now...

Navigator is a plugin that gives instructions to guide a player through a potentially complex road network from his/her current position to a destination of his/her choice.
It supports multiple languages including English, German, Dutch and French. You can also make a language file yourself if you want, it's easy! I'd appreciate if you shared it if you did. (Map editor not translated.)

Navigator is open-source! You can find the source code on github:

If you want to try it out, my server "Marchecraft" has Navigator installed and configured to allow usage by visitors. The address is "". It's a French-speaking server.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated! Feel free to leave a comment below this page. If you have a problem or you get any errors, just open a ticket. You can do so under the "Tickets" tab.

Master commands: /nav and /navigator


The "go" command: When a player uses this command, Navigator will guide him/her to a destination of his/her choice.

"destination" is not case sensitive

/nav go destination
ex: /nav go Spleef_Arena

The "list" command: When a player uses this command,
Navigator will give a list of all possible destinations from the given index.

The [index] must be an integer, positive number. It will default to 0 if not given.

/nav list [index]

The "compass" command. Sometimes, Navigator will use cardinal points.
Use this command to see towards what cardinal point you are facing.

/nav compass

The "reload" command. Navigator will reload all maps. This will not reload the plugin itself.

/nav reload

For commands on how to edit the map, see Creating a map of your world


Download file, and place it's contents inside your plugins folder.
You can download the latest version using the link in the top right corner of this page or you can get another version under the "files".

If you want to change the language, edit the "plugins/Navigator/config.yml" file and set the language file to be used.
For example, if you write "language: Deutsch", it will use Deutsch.yml. (It adds .yml at the end and then searches for that file.)
The plugin itself should work now, but if you try using it, it will just say "No maps available of world, sorry".

You need to make a map: Creating a map of your world

DO NOT put "mapper.jar" in you plugins directory. It is the mapping program, to be used offline.
It is NOT a plugin


navigator.use (Grants general usage, defaults to ALLOWED)
navigator.reload (Grants the "reload" command, defaults to OPERATOR)
navigator.edit (Grants access to map editor functions, defaults to OPERATOR)

Creative Commons License
Navigator by Werner Kroneman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 6, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Oct 21, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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