
Block players with changed names


Protect your server from name changing exploits and also keep your player names locked for easy player identification

How it works:

Each time a player joins your server NameDeny will check if their UUID is in the NameDeny Database.

If it isn't then the player name and UUID is recorded for future logons.

If the UUID is in the database and the name doesn't batch the player's logon name they are kicked from the server with the following message: "Please set your name back to your old name to rejoin"

If you run this plugin now before the change to 1.8, your server will start to record your player names with their UUIDs as they exist at this time. Which will protect your server from griefing and other issues involving spoofed old player names. The Minecraft Authentifcation change will cause plugins not updated to the new UUID to be vulnerable to exploits when all the old name based permissions aren't updated. This even includes servers running older versions of Bukkit.

The next update will include commands to allow admins to change player names (if the need arises, and do other maintenance to the NameDeny Database like saving, loading, etc.


There are no permissions settings at this time.


1) Add the NameDeny.jar file to your plugins folder

2) Start your server or /reload your plugins


There are no configuration options at this time.


The next version will add some admin permissions and commands for updating, changing, and saving and loading the player name database.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 11, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jul 11, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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