MythicMobs v2.0.0-BETA1
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UploadedApr 8, 2015
Size726.66 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.8.1
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
- CB 1.6.4-R2.0
2.0.0 BETA1
NOTICE: v2.0.0 contains several entirely-rewritten systems. Please read the documentation and make sure your skills and configs have been updated correctly before posting bug reports. While I will answer and fix bugs, it is up to you to read the documentation to ensure things have been updated correctly. MythicMobs staff will generally no longer provide support with non-bug related issues.
If you would like support with updating and non-bug related issues, please consider supporting continued development by subscribing to our MythicMobs Patreon! Subscribers can receive additional help with upgrading and help learning what's new, all while feeling good knowing that they are helping MythicMobs progress into the future.
- Added 1.8.3 support
- Added 1.8.0 support
Improved Skill System
- The skill system has been completely recoded the Skills: section is now used for the new skill types.
- Old skills can still be used under the LegacySkills: section of configs. The old skills will NOT work under the Skills section anymore.
- The new option syntax is a lot more straight-forward and should help a lot of people who found the old system confusing.
- The new targeter option opens up a lot more possibilities for how skills can target things.
The syntax for skills has changed slightly. All skills now have the following form: - skill{option1=val;option2=val;etc} @target onTrigger =[healthmod] [chance]
- SKILL is the skill's name
- {options} are the skill's options.
- target is the skill's target
- trigger is the trigger, same as currently
- healthmod is the same with 1 exception, health ranges must be prefixed with a = now also such as =25%-50%
- chance is the same
If you are having trouble wrapping your head around this then here is an example:
- potion{type=SLOW;lvl=5;d=60} @Self ~onDamaged
this would put the SLOW potion effect on the mob when it takes damage.
At the moment there are two types of targeters, ENTITY and LOCATION targeters. Some skills can now target either entities, locations, or a lot can target both.
Here are some targeters added so far:
- @Self
- @Target
- @TargetLocation
- @PlayersInRadius{r=#}
- @PlayersInRing{min=#,max=#}
- @PlayersInWorld
- @LivingEntitiesInRadius{r=#}
- @LivingEntitiesInWorld
- @Location{c=x,y,z}
Many more will come in the future including @Line, @Cone, etc.
More Examples
- effect:particles{cooldown=5;particle=flame;amount=200;vSpread=1;hSpread=2;Speed=0;yoffset=2} @self @onTimer:20
- skill{s=Fireball} @target
- particles{p=reddust;a=25;hs=0.5;vs=1;s=0.5;y=0.5} @self - delay 10 - particleline{p=reddust;a=2;hs=0.1;vs=0.1;s=0;y=0.5;db=0.1} @target - damage{amount=20} @target
- Added Options.RabbitType field using Spigot's Rabbit.Type ENUM
Types found here:
- Sheep option Options.Color now uses the String color value instead of an integer.
Item Improvements
You can now use vanilla item names when adding equipment to mobs and no longer have to create a Mythic Item for each equipable if you don't want to do anything fancy.
New Options
- Options.Unbreakable: true
- Options.HideFlags: true
For banner items you can now specify banner layers using the following syntax:
TownBanner: Id: banner Display: '&aTown Banner' Options: Color: WHITE BannerLayers: - [dye color] [banner pattern type] - YELLOW CURLY_BORDER - ORANGE CIRCLE_MIDDLE - ORANGE TRIANGLES_BOTTOM - ORANGE TRIANGLES_TOP
The colors and the PatternType are both directly from the Spigot enums which can be found here:
For potions you can now specify potion effects to make custom potions using the following syntax.
SpecialBrew: Id: potion Display: '&aSpecial Brew' PotionEffects: - [type] [duration] [level] - SLOW 600 2 - BLINDNESS 600 1 - CONFUSION 600 1
Potion Effect types can be found here:
- Added ActivationRange attribute - Defines how close a player must be for a spawner to activate, defaults to 40 blocks.
Threat Tables
Added ThreatTable API methods, located at net.elseland.xikage.MythicMobs.API.ThreatTables
- addThreat(Entity mob, LivingEntity target, double amount)
- reduceThreat(Entity mob, LivingEntity target, double amount)
- taunt(Entity mob, LivingEntity target) - forces the mob to attack target and sets target's threat to 110% of the current highest target's
Lib's Disguises
- Added Sheep Disguise, uses mob's Color option for its color
- Added Silverfish Disguise
- Updated for 1.8.3
World Guard
- Updated World Guard to 6.0.0
Bug Fixes/Other
- Greatly enhanced garbage collection to increase performance
- Fixed a possible cause of the Quests module breaking
- Fixed many assorted bugs
- Possible other changes I have forgotten, it is a large release...
NOTICE: v2.0.0 contains several entirely-rewritten systems. Please read the documentation and make sure your skills and configs have been updated correctly before posting bug reports.
Please submit all bugs you find to the bug tracker.