MysteryBox is a plugin based on risking keys. An example to use this is to sell keys in your server shop. When opening a MysteryBox by using a key some crazy ParticleEffects will be shown.
This plugins works best for 1.8 of Minecraft!
- Full UUID Support
- Configurable Messages (Including Prefix)
- Configurable ParticleEffects
- Configurable Rewards
- /mb help - Show help for MysteryBox
- /mb reload - Reloads the config
- /mb create - Creates a MysteryBox one block under your feets
- /mb add [player] [amount] - Add Key(s) to an account
- /mb remove [player] [amount] - Remove Key(s) from an account
- MysteryBox.* - The basic permission for all access
Prefix: '&8[&cMysteryBox&8]' Messages: MysteryBox-Already-In-Use: Sorry, but the MysteryBox is already in use. MysteryBox-Item-Found: '{PLAYER} found a &b{ITEM}&7!' Key-Received: Your account received {AMOUNT} Key(s)! Key-Subtracted: '{AMOUNT} Key(s) have been subtracted from your account!' MysteryBox-Item-Found-Title-Line1: '&7You found a' MysteryBox-Item-Found-Title-Line2: '&b{ITEM}' ChestMenu: MenuName: '&cMysteryBox' MysteryBoxes: ExampleItem-1: Name: ExampleItem-1 Command: say This is a command! ExampleItem-2: Name: ExampleItem-2 Command: say {PLAYER} found a {ITEM}! ParticleEffects: Firework: Color: LIME Fade: BLACK
Please PM me if you found any bugs or if you have any ideas!
Where is the download link???
The plugin is spigot 1.8 and 1.9. You are probably using bukkit?
I got it downloaded... when i give myself the keys i click the crate , but when i click on the key(s) inside the crate GUI I just pick up the key(s) as if i was taking something from chest inventory and transporting it to survival inventory... So i cant even open the crates, fix?
Having problems with uploading the file, but you can get it on Spigot.
This is the plugin ive been looking for!! Just wish there was a download!
I'd love to have this plugin