

Short description: This plugin blocks some griefing tools. U can block players from moving and players can use the command "/rules" to see the server rules.

Extended description:

This is a plugin to show the rules but it will have much extra's later on in the development!

How? I will shorten some costum commands of bukkit. The more I learn to code the bigger this plugin will get!

Tired of hanging several signs on some blocks with the server rules? Look no further!

I created a very simple plugin that let's the user's do "/rules' to see the rules of the server and some extra addons!

Caught a player breaking a rule? Block them so they can't run away!

You can block a logged in player with "/rb <playername>" to block them from any kind of movement.

The block will be deleted after the player relogs or after the player is unblocked.

The best griefing items called: TNT and FIRE are blocked!

The biggest concern in survival servers is TNT. Well have them blocked!

Or you can always give users the permissions to place TNT or FIRE .

If you want any other items added, feel free to make a ticked or post a comment in the coment section below!

Additional info

This is my very first plugin! I am happy to start coding!

And the command "/RB" stands for RuleBreaker.

The commands

You can always do "/help MyRules" to see extra built in information!

/rules - To have to rules shown in the chatbox.

/rulesreload - to reload the config.yml if u adjusted some lines.

/rb - to block yourself

/rb <playername> - to block a player.

Permissions logo

Permissions we're tested with permissionsEX

rules.* - to have access to all commands and forbidden blocks!

rules.reload - for the /rulesreload command

rules.block - for the /rb command

rules.player - to block other players

rules.tnt - the permission to place tnt - the permission to place fire


None! Report bugs if you find some!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 11, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Aug 15, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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