Warning: This project is experimental. Its files will not synchronize across the CurseForge network.
Ever wanted to play a music stream in your server? Well you are in luck! COMING SOON! An audio client. Stream music for everyone in the server to hear. Any questions, comments, suggestions, PM me.
it would be nice if you can set a block.combination to be a radio. And on each radio(with sings) you can stream a different song. The admin has to only be able to create such signs. And on the sing the radius of people can her the sound it´s defined too. And loop mußt be possible.
And people who join the server will hear the sounds.. on this positions who others hear it.
Shit..I forgot all about this..my harddrive got screwed up and I couldnt do it, Ill get back to work on it, and to the idiot that said its impossible, Bukkit uses java scripts, and there ARE plugins which can play sound, so why not give it a try? I wanna try and replicate something I made for San Andreas which allowed admins to set stream links, then /audio [id]
hey dude? maybe something more simpler? like make a file were you put your music stream? i dunno something like that then you pick a chunk then maybe a command like /m play chunk? i dunno something like that hope this helps a ttttttttttttiiiiiny bit!
He will not make any plugin, and you know why? Because he didn't know how make this. Is completly impossible make this without any diferent Minecraft client, for example Spout. Minecraft our bukkit not provide stream suport. Its impossible.
Maybe is "lazy" ass is working on it. Why don't you ask if he is still working on it or not before you go judge him. He could just not have a lot of time to work on it.
sounds nice ;)
it would be nice if you can set a block.combination to be a radio. And on each radio(with sings) you can stream a different song. The admin has to only be able to create such signs. And on the sing the radius of people can her the sound it´s defined too. And loop mußt be possible.
And people who join the server will hear the sounds.. on this positions who others hear it.
Julia :)
you can also always mod your minecraft default music if you wish :D
Shit..I forgot all about this..my harddrive got screwed up and I couldnt do it, Ill get back to work on it, and to the idiot that said its impossible, Bukkit uses java scripts, and there ARE plugins which can play sound, so why not give it a try? I wanna try and replicate something I made for San Andreas which allowed admins to set stream links, then /audio [id]
hey dude? maybe something more simpler? like make a file were you put your music stream? i dunno something like that then you pick a chunk then maybe a command like /m play chunk? i dunno something like that hope this helps a ttttttttttttiiiiiny bit!
this looks very cool ive been surchig every were for this!!! pleas update it im gonnna make a night club! my support is in your hands bud!== pleas! ==
He will not make any plugin, and you know why? Because he didn't know how make this. Is completly impossible make this without any diferent Minecraft client, for example Spout. Minecraft our bukkit not provide stream suport. Its impossible.
Maybe is "lazy" ass is working on it. Why don't you ask if he is still working on it or not before you go judge him. He could just not have a lot of time to work on it.
Please delete this if you aren't going to get off of your lazy ass and make it.
when will be this done ? I need this plugin :)
how long ???
Make it yourself then.
This would be cool...
...If it existed
I made one in a day.
seriuosly wow it takes over 4 monthes to make a plugin
Not any more because he is never gonna post it.
Bukkit should just delete this he's not gonna make it any time soon or probralley ever.
how much longer this would be really cool