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What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Teleport to player in spectator mode. First time the command did not allow the player to teleport to them, second time it did. 2. Hit player. 3. Message appeared, player does take damage.
What what do you expect to happen? Not spam console, not damage player?
What do you see instead? Really -_-, spammed, console. Damaged player.
What version of the MyHungerGames are you using? Dev 1.2 Build #43
What version of CraftBukkit/Spigot are you using? Spigot 1.5.2 (866)
Paste the files related to your problem (log/permissions file/config.yml) and link it.
IMAGE: of the player getting the error when trying to tp, then TPing.
Player getting error when damaging player. "you cannot interact with this block while spectating me.kitskub.hungergames.utils.equatableweakreference@abfc1f31"
Error spammed in console. "1:59:27 AM CONSOLE: [WARNING] [MyHungerGames] Task #1651 for MyHungerGames v1.2-dev generated an exception"
Please provide any additional information below.
Can you provide the full error from the console?
Maybe, server was restarted since then. The way it spammed maybe 100MB log file now ill check.
2013-06-04 11:43:07 [WARNING] [MyHungerGames] Task #1651 for MyHungerGames v1.2-dev generated an exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not scheduled yet at org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable.getTaskId( at org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable.cancel( at me.kitskub.hungergames.commands.user.SearchCommand$ at at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_5_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.MinecraftServer.r( at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.DedicatedServer.r( at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.MinecraftServer.q( at at
Also started getting the following error that stopped the game from starting up again.
2013-06-04 14:09:48 [WARNING] [MyHungerGames] Task #533 for MyHungerGames v1.2-dev generated an exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: n must be positive at java.util.Random.nextInt( at at at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_5_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.MinecraftServer.r( at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.DedicatedServer.r( at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.MinecraftServer.q( at at
@Chalkie19: Go
For future reference, please use
@kitskub: Go
I do use pastebin, but considering the small size of the errors I though it would have been fine to put them on here in a Code BB. My apologize.
I have disabled spectating (permissions) and have yet to run into the problem.
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