This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

This plugin is currently broken, use at own risk!

This plugin allows your players to register at your MyBB-forum.
it could not be easier, you're registered with /register <password> <email>!
not english?
No problem, near all messages are changable!

Ingame register system for your mybb forum!
username at the forum is the same as ingame!
auto-encript the password, include salt!
works with mysql, self writed and not a libbary!
reminder non-registered players at join to register!
change the default signature!
vailid email check, thanks to EnkyHD for the source!
advanced debug-system for fast debugging!

How-to install:
Be sure you have and use java7!
download MyBBReg.
drop it in your plugins folder of your server.
restart/reload/start your server, it generate now the config file
put your server down.
go to /plugins/MyBBReg/config.yml
open it and configure it as you want. (this helps)
Be sure the mysql is up and the given data is correct!
start your server again, it shows now a message like this:

congratulations! you can now use MyBBReg!

permission: mybbreg.register
description: this permissions allows players to register
default: true

<s>Make the command /register working.</s> done!
Make the command /changepass working.
more debug messages for even faster debugging
Add a email confirm system.
Promote a user to a group when he is registered

<s>#4 you can never send any pm's exept if you have turned it on in your settings of your forum-profile</s> fixed in 0.2.2
<s>#3 if there is a - in a email, it said it is invailid</s> fixed in 0.2.1
<s>#2 On joining it says always that the player is not registered, even if he is registered</s> fixed in 0.2
<s>#1 some unused translations in the config (registered and gotoforum)</s> fixed in 0.1
If you have found a bug and it is not in this list, please report it here!

see here for more information.

Known servers:
Name: Cookcraft ip:
Name: CastleCraftMC ip:
If you want your server in this list, send me a PM :D

I am collecting data, using MCstats.
Its save, look here for answers at all your questions.
I'm not going to make a disable function, this is pure to get good static of the plugin :P


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 25, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Oct 30, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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