Default Config Explained

  1. LoginXL v 9.5 Configuration
    only-first-join: false
    server-owner-name: "Your Name Here"
    main-world-name: world
    debug: false
    update-check: true
    item-on-first-join: true
    first-join-spawning: true
    show-first-join-message: true
    show-first-join-motd: true
    show-first-join-smoke: true
    number-on-first-join: true
    commands-on-first-join: true
    show-join-message: true
    show-leave-message: true
    show-kick-message: true
    show-death-message: true
    show-respawn-message: true
    show-shutdown-message: true
    show-levelup-message: true
    show-sleep-message: true
    zoom-up: true
    zap-cmd: true
    bam: true
    locate: true
    troll: true
    zoom-x-y-z: true
    tele: true
    xp: true
    craft: true
    get-gamemode: true
    ride: true
    first-join-message: "&d%name% Has Joined This Server For The First Time!"
    join-message: "&e%name% Has Returned To This Server!"
    leave-message: "&e%name% Has Left This Server!"
    kick-message: "&e%name% Has Been Kicked From This Server!"
    number-message: "&d%number% Different Players Have Joined This Server!"
    death-message: "&d%name% Has Died From %deathcause% At The Location Of %deathlocation% !"
    respawn-message: "&d%name% Has Respawned!"
    shutdown-message: "&dThe Server Is Shutting Down!"
    levelup-message: "&d%name% Has Gained A Level!"
    sleep-message: "&dShh! %name% Has Went To Bed!"
    - 5.32.0
    - '&bWelcome To My Server, &6%name%&b!'
    - '&4This message can be customized in the LoginXL config!'
    commands: []


onlyfirstjoin Force the plugin to only deal with loginxl related things (disables everything not related to loginxl).

worldname This is the name of your default world, the same as in your file. Usually just 'world'.

debug Option to turn on/off debugging. Usually not needed, just helpful if trying to troubleshoot the plugin not working.

itemonfirstjoin Option to turn on/off giving the player items on their first join.

firstjoinspawning Option to enable/disable handling the spawn point of new players (/loginxl <setspawn|spawn>).

showfirstjoinmessage Option to enable/disable showing of the message displayed when a new player joins for the first time.

showfirstjoinmotd Option to enable/disable showing of the MOTD.

numberonfirstjoin Option to enable/disable showing the number of unique players who have joined when a player first joins.

commandsonfirstjoinOption to run a list of commands as the player joining for the first time (defined later in the config).

numberonjoin Option to enable/disable showing the number of unique players who have joined when a player joins.

showjoinmessage Option to enable/disable the showing join messages.

showleavemessage Option to enable/disable the showing quit messages.

showkickmessage Option to enable/disable the showing kick messages.

zoomup Option To Enable The 'zoomup' Command

zap Option To Enable The 'zap stick' Feature

bam Option To Enable The 'bam' Command

troll Option To Enable The 'troll' Command

zapcmd Option To Enable The 'zap' Command

zoomxyz Option To Enable The 'zoom (x y z)' Command


firstjoinmessage The message displayed when a player joins for the first time.

joinmessage The default message when a player joins.

leavemessage The default message when a player quits.

kickmessage The message shown when a player is kicked from the game.

numbermessage The message that states how many unique players have joined the server.


This is where you can define the message(s) displayed to the player when they join for the first time (if enabled above). Simply put the messages in a list format. Color codes and the %name% variable are supported.


This is where you can define items to give a player the first time they join (if enabled above).

Items are to be defined in this format: itemid.amount.datavalue

For example: 57.32.0 This would give the player 32 blocks of 57 (57 happens to be diamond blocks). The 0 is the data value, use this for giving things such as colored wool, potions, etc. If it is just a regular item/block, just make it 0, but do NOT completely remove it.


This is where you define commands you want the player joining for the first time to run. You may define as many as you want. Do not include a /.


Various variables can be used throughout the configuration.

%name% This is replaced with the players display name.

%number% This is replaced with the total number of unique players who have joined.

%deathcause% This is replaced with the cause of death.

%deathlocation% This is replaced with the location of death.

&0-9/a-f All standard color codes are supported


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