Simple mute!


Mute plugin was originaly made for my server where i needed a way to solve the issue of people being left mute that made them leave and have bad comments about mods/server. So what i did was to add a time feature that allows you to specify for how long a player is mute for! Also another usefull feature is the freeze feature wich is built-in so people with the right permission are alowed to freeze others and essentialy, make them unable to move. Again the time is set by the player who runs the command


- Customisable max time of mute

- Customisable max time of freeze

- Selection if message will be broadcasted when someone mutes or freezes someone else

- Bypass permission so player cant be mute or frozen


- /mute [player] [time] Mutes target player

-/unmute [player] Unmutes a previously muted player

- /freeze [player] [time] Freezes target player

-/unfreeze [player] Unfreezes a previously muted player

- /check Returns the names of all mute or frozen players and the time they are mute/frozen for.

- /clear Clears the list of muted and frozen players.


► /Mute Mute.mute Mutes player specifyed

► /Unmute Mute.unmute Unmutes a muted player

► /Freeze Mute.freeze Freezes a player specifyed

► /Unfreeze Mute.unfreeze Unfreezes a frozen player.

► /Check Mute.check Returns theplayywes who are mute, if a name is specifyed it checks only for the specific player.

► /Clear Mute.clear Clears the database file and removes all frozen and muted players.

Other than commands permissions

mute.bypassmute ☚ Bypass being muted

mute.bypassfreeze ☚ Bypass being frozen

Known bugs

- None yet!, If you find any Please let me know. post a comment or open a ticket.

Issues to solve

- Keep muted and frozen players on reloads or restarts so when server is back up theya re still mute. :S


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  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 23, 2014
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