Mushroom Edit

Mushroom Edit


This plugin allows ops to make mushrooms without the owner or someone else going into the world code. This can be helpful if your server has ops that don't have physical access to the server. This plugin can also be helpful for just saving time through viewing the world live so you make sure not to make any mistakes.


When you type /mushroomedit while looking at a block and specify a direction and color it will change that block into a mushroom block with the top colored and the direction(s) you have specified colored it should make it a mushroom block. Or if you type /mushroombind it will bind a block so that when you place it, it will place a mushroom block you specify instead. To unbind a block from a mushroom block type /mushroomunbind.

Commands and Permissions


If you don't type a color and a side it will show help for /mushroomedit

N/APermission for everythingmushroomedit.*op
N/APermission for update notificationsmushroomedit.updateop
/mushroomedit <color> <side>Changes the block you are currently looking at into the given mushroom blockmushroomedit.mushroomeditcommandop
/medit <color> <side>Alias to /mushroomeditmushroomedit.meditcommandop
/mushroombind <color> <side>Bind a block to a mushroom blockmushroomedit.bindop
/mbind <color> <side>Alias to /mushroombindmushroomedit.bindop
/mushroomunbindUnbind your current mushroom blockmushroomedit.unbindop
/munbindAlias to /mushroomunbindmushroomedit.unbindop


  1. Edit the config.yml in the mushroomedit folder
  2. Change Update_Checker_Enabled to true or false, true for the plugin to check for updates, false to not check for updates


  • What you guys want! If you have any ideas please post a comment or make a ticket
  • Think up more good ideas and add them to this plugin!


  • Any questions, comments or bugs please post a comment or make a ticket.
  • Or if you want to complete this form to submit bugs, suggestions, compliments, complaints, ect. : Form Link

Hope everyone enjoys this plugin :)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 29, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Oct 2, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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