
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



MumbleChat, developed by cindy_k of Minecats Minecraft, is a plugin aimed specifically at larger servers, where chat can become unmanageable at times. MumbleChat focuses on letting each player have more control over the speed of their chat flow via the channels they join and participate in, instead of having all players chat in one unified global chat channel.

Primary features of MumbleChat include configurable chat settings and per-channel permissions in a lighter weight format aimed at speed, so that you can have your chat for your groups without worrying about it slowing down your server with your high numbers of players. For a full list of features, look below.

New Features and Fixes with this Release

  • LogLevels
    Severe, Info, Debug
  • Broadcast Alerts
    Send a message to all players on the server, no matter what channel they are listening on Can be configured to show Broadcaster's name or not. Has a settable permission, so you can restrict it to just the players you want to have the power. Configurable default color and will allow color codes in message. Set your own command name for it. Default is Alert, but it is configurable.
  • AutoJoin
    This is different than the Default option. Default is for first join players, that have no settings. AutoJoin sets players to listen to this channel everytime they log in. They can leave the channel after they login, but when they login again, it will be back.
  • chwho Command
    See who is listening in the channel. /chwho [channelname] For channels with distance set, this will show who is listening within that distance. Players that are muted in the channel will be displayed in red, all other players will be white.
  • Ignore command for Tells
    /ignore [playername] Players can ignore up to 20 players /ignore ? will display a list of the people they are currently ignoring. To remove a player from /ignore, just /ignore [playername] again.
  • Inform players on Mute and Unmute
    A message will be sent to the player who has been muted or unmuted, informing them. It does not tell them who did it, just that they are now muted/unmuted in that channel.
  • Added in-game message color formating for players with mute permissions Uses the same color chart as below
  • Fixed: bug with players leaving sticky tell
  • Fixed: player config not always saving correctly
  • Fixed: default config not being created automatically


  • Multiple channels for communications
    Not all players talk into a global channel. By default, you have a local channel which nearby players can hear, a global channel, and a staff channel.
  • Channel-based permissions
    You can give specific users or groups access to join a particular channel - for example, senior members may have access to a "trade" channel.
  • Configurable channel reception distance
    Channels may have a definable distance at which other players can hear you speaking - by default, local chat's distance is set to 230 blocks.
  • Muting
    If a player is being disruptive, rude, obscene, spammy, et cetera., you can revoke the player's privileges from speaking in a particular channel.
  • Support for PermissionsEx prefixes
    If you've given specific users or groups prefixes in PermissionsEx, MumbleChat will pick up those prefixes at player login.
  • Regular expression based chat filter
    Via the config, you can filter out specific words in chat and replace them with another word or character set of your choice. Don't want bad language on your server? Replace it with less offensive words.
  • Channel listings
    Players can view a list of channels that they have access to and if the channel requires permissions.
  • Color-coded channels
    You can specify a color for each channel, within the range of the colors that Minecraft allows in-game - a different color for every channel! (Or the same color, if you so prefer.)

Commands and Syntax

/mute [player] [channel]

  • Aliases: /mp
  • Description: Prevent a player from sending messages to a channel.

/unmute [player] [channel]

  • Aliases: /ump
  • Description: Allow a player to send messages in a channel again.

/tell [player] [msg]

  • Aliases: none
  • Description: Send a message directly to a player.

/channel [channelname]

  • Aliases: /ch, /join
  • Description: Start listening to a channel if the player is not yet listening to that channel, otherwise set the player's channel focus to that channel.

/leave [channelname]

  • Aliases: /lev
  • Description: Stop listening to a channel.


  • Aliases:
  • Description: Show the list of channels available to the player.

/chwho [channelname]

  • Aliases: /chw
  • Description: Allows players to see a listing of who is listening on a channel permission-message: You don't have <permission>


This node is to contain a YAML list of regular expressions and associated replacements, defined by the following format:
- regex1,replace1
- regex2,replace2
- regex3,replace3
- etc,etc
This node should have the permission for muting players. By default, this is mumblechat.mute. You may change it as you wish.
This node should either be followed by true or false. If true, player chat settings (channels being listened to, channel mutes, and so on) are saved in a player.yml file. Otherwise, the associated information is lost at restart. By default, this is true.
This allows you to set what color tells appear in
This is the setting for broadcast messages to all players color: colorhere - see below for a list of colors - white if excluded
displayplayername: true/false - false if excluded
displaytag: Prefix for broadcast - No displaytag will be displayed is excluded
permissions: set permission for who can broadcast command: set the command for the broadcast - if left out, broadcast is disabled
new permissions with 1.7.8 version. (Update your config if you want to use them)
  mute: mumblechat.canmute
  color: mumblechat.cancolor
  who: mumblechat.who
This node should either be followed by true or false. If true, mumblechat will recognize prefixes defined in PermissionsEx. By default, this is false.
This node is to contain your list of channels as a set of sub-nodes, each with a set of sub-nodes to define settings relating to the channel, defined by the following format:
  • channelname1:
    • color: colorhere - see below for a list of colors
    • muteable: true/false
    • filter: true/false - true if excluded
    • alias: aliashere
    • distance: value - the channel will broadcast globally if excluded. Enter a value in number of blocks.
    • default: true/false - false if excluded
    • autojoin: true/false - false if excluded
  • channelname2:
    • color: colorhere - see below for a list of colors
    • muteable: true/false
    • filter: true/false - true if excluded
    • alias: aliashere
    • distance: value - the channel will broadcast globally if excluded. Enter a value in number of blocks.
    • default: true/false - false if excluded
    • autojoin: true/false - false if excluded
  • etc...

Color Table

As a simple explanation, any string from the list on will work.

coloringame equivalent


  • mumblechat.canmute Allows a player to mute others
  • mumblechat.who Allows a player to use /chwho command. On pvp servers, you may want to disallow /chwho so players can't see who is in a local channel.
  • mumblechat.cancolor Allows players to use color codes in chat.
  • channelpermission Allows a player to listen to this channel and view it in the channel list.


Just put MumbleChat.jar in your ./plugins folder and fire up your server; you're good to go. For the best installation of MumbleChat, however, make sure to edit your config.yml in the MumbleChat directory created by your plugin after initialization and then restart your server.

Upcoming and Planned Features

  • Support for 1.4
  • Increased set of aliases for current commands
  • Admin command to force players in and out of channels
  • Separate permissions for in chat color

WARNING for CommandBook Users

If you are using CommandBook, you MUST move messaging to the Disabled Section.

Still Need Help?


  • cindy_k - Main Developer
  • Net_Creator - Assistant Developer


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 2, 2012
  • Last Released File
    May 28, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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