Mumer Tools

Mumer Tools


Mumer tools are simple tools that should help you manage naughty players.
They will allow you to mute and freeze and warn players that are causing trouble on your server.
If there is trouble at the same time on multiple places you can use the freeze command to freeze
troublemakers while you get to them. Sometimes hackers can avoid a ban so the freeze option comes handy too.
With the simple mute command you can stop bad language.


  • Freeze a player in place to prevent further damage
  • Mute a player
  • Warn a player and slap him
  • Restore all health and food for specified player
  • Become invisible


/mumhelp-Will display all available commands
/freeze <player>-Will prevent the player from moving
/mum <player>- Will mute the player
/slap <player> <message>-Will hit a player taking half a heart and display a warning message you typed (eg. /slap i3ick no racism)
/cure <player>-Will restore health and food bar
/ts <player1> <target>-Teleportation command
/mhide- Renders you invisible (not tested - please post feedback if it works correctly after testing on a server)

Installation & Permissions

Drag the plugin to your plugins folder.
To give permission to your staff use: mum.*
By default OP can use all commands.

Please leave feedback :)
If you use this tools on your server send me the IP, I'd love to see it in action!


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