Core | Portals | NetherPortals | SignPortals
Multiverse NetherPortals Resources:
Wiki | Source | Feature Request | Bug Report
Latest Awesome Build is 2.4-AB
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server.
These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff.
Use them at your own risk.
About MV2
Multiverse was created at the dawn of Bukkit multiworld support. It has since then grown into a complete world management solution including special treatment of your nether worlds with NetherPortals.
In the second delivery of Multiverse, we've broken it up into several smaller plugins that are each feature packed but *not bloated*! Multiverse provides the easiest to use world management solution for your Minecraft server, big or small, and with great addons like Portals and NetherPortals, what's not to love!
Multiverse is back! Is your server, a Multiverse?
Multiverse-NetherPortals Features
- Allow a nether per real world!
- Let nether portals built in a world go to a specific world
- Custom World Scaling when using NetherPortals! (All types of worlds, normal, skylands and nether supported! Even Custom generators!)
So long Awesome Builds
We use to have this notion of an "Awesome Build" or AB which was suppose to be thought of like Bukkit's Recommended Build system. Awesome Builds were ones that we put extra testing into and were meant to be very stable. Unfortunately there will be no more Awesome Builds. Our development team doesn't have the time to devote to the project that we use to. As such, we've moved to a new build system which you'll notice in the new version numbering. Our release builds here should be stable; Lots of people have had time to vet them for us while they were only development builds. While we don't have much time to work on the project, we do still take critical bugs very seriously and try to get them fixed as quickly as possible.
In any world whenever I attempt to go to the Nether it won't let me, eg. if I'm in the world "world" and go through a portal, a console error comes up saying "Whoops! world_nether does not exist" even though it does and is in the same directory as "world."
Edit: Turns out you need to import "world_nether" into Multiverse. D'oh.
Is there any way to point all SSP-type portals to a single world, regardless of what world it is made in?
so our main world had existing portals but I generated a new nether.. the imported in to mc core.. all portals from some reason all go to the same exit in nether.. and the nether always goes to the first portal that was gone through in the main world... what could I be doing wrong?
Can you add possibility to ban a player to a specify portal ? (without use perms)
Edit: OK - problem fixed. I didn't have the main world imported to MV.
Did you remember to import your nether into multiverse core with /mvimport [worldname] nether?
Our conflicts are on the GitHub wiki, feel free to edit it yourself to help other users out!
Nether Portals seems to conflict with Essentials when you have nether options enabled within the Essentials config file. Setting all of the values to false allowed me to correctly use Nether Portals (with signs). I didn't test to see if it was just one value causing the problem or all of them due to the pesky need for sleep.
I know it sounds obvious, but it took me several days to figure out the issue. Possibly something to look at adding to the conflicts page?
PS: Thanks for some great plugins! You guys do a fantastic job!
Make sure (by going to the nether) that it's scale is set to 8.
You can set it to 8 by doing: /mvm set scale 8 in that world.
Sorry for the slow response, didn't have subscribe on this plugin on.
This plugin does NOT stop nether worlds from generating, it just does not START them. Vanilla bukkit will not generate companion nethers for each world. You have to do this yourself.
Hey - sorry if this has already been answered (I have searched!) but I've just installed the NetherPortals plugin (2.0-b225) and the previously-existing portals to the nether world that was previously generated by the game no longer work. The folder mainworld_nether exists (and was generated by the game), but the game config seems to be complaining that "mainworld_nether" doesn't exist when I try to use the portals to teleport to it. I've checked the config and the suffix is set to _nether, so I can't work out what the problem is :( Also, another question - I was reading the wiki and it suggested that this plugin stops the game automatically generating nether worlds, does this mean we now have to manually generate them for each world we make? Thanks, and absolutely amazing plugin btw! :)