
What it does

This plugin teleports players to pre-determined locations around multiple maps when they join. You can bypass the teleportation via command or permission.


  • /ms - Shows plugin stats (currently nothing)
  • /ms new <name> - Creates a location at your current position equal to the name you give it.
  • /ms rename <old name> <new name> - Renames a location.
  • /ms [delete/remove] <location> - Removes the given location.
  • /ms goto <location> - Teleports you to the given location.
  • /ms list - View all locations saved.
  • /ms bypass list - Show list of users that bypass the random spawning when they join.
  • /ms bypass add <user> - Adds a user to the bypass list.
  • /ms bypass remove <player> - Remove a user from the bypass list.



  • multispawn.all - All modification and command permissions.
  • multispawn.edit - Create, rename, replace, and delete locations. Accessible commands: /ms [new/delete/remove/rename0 <location> <args>
  • multispawn.list - List MultiSpawn locations. Unless explicitly blocked within a permissions plugin, it can be used by anyone. Accessible commands: /ms list
  • multispawn.goto - Allows you to goto any location around the map. Accessible commands: /ms goto <location>
  • multispawn.editbypass - Allows you to modify or view the bypass list. Accessible commands: /ms bypass [list/add/remove] <args>

Event based

  • multispawn.allowbypass - When this permission is added to a group, it let's the player/group bypass random spawning and lets them spawn normally.

Known Bugs

  • If there are no saved locations, there will be console errors when a player joins. Either enable multispawn.allowbypass on the player/group, or add a few locations!


Q. Isn't there already a plugin called MultiSpawn that does this same thing? You stole it!

A. Technically, yes, there is. However, I wrote this entire plugin from scratch, and the other MultiSpawn has not been updated in over a year and a half.

Q. There's a bug! You're a terrible developer!

A. That's not a question.

Q. There's a bug..?

A. Yes, there probably is. If you find a bug that is not on the bug list, please post it in the comments, PM me, or email me.

Q. Can I see your source?

A. Sure! it's kept in GitHub.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 5, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jun 5, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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