Mob Tower Defense


Have you ever wanted to play tower defense in Minecraft? Well here's your chance! Utilizing a unique blend of DisguiseCraft, guns, and arena-like gameplay, MTD allows you and your playerbase to go head to head in a fully automated tower defense experience.

Creating Games

For MTD, you must create maps manually in the maps.yml setup. Check out the default maps YAML file, there are some examples on how to create your own maps. Simply specify the world, as well as the lobby spawnpoint and a few other parameters and you're ready to play!


When the game starts, teams are divided evenly to archers and mobs. Archers are given a short grace period during which they given supplies to build fortifications for the map. Once this period is over, they are teleported to their archery towers to pick off the mobs. Scoreboards will display all the information from time remaining to archers/mobs remaining. If I'm online, it'll even display MrTeePee kills!

Gameplay can end in one of three results: Time runs out: Archers win. Mobs cross finish line a configurable amount of times: Mobs win. Mobs kill all archers: Mobs win.

Once the game ends, the entire map will roll back to the point immediately before the game began. It will not be rolled back if your gameplay world is the same as your main world.

Donator Based

For every mob type available, there is a permission node attached to it. That is, MTD.mobs.<name>. Sell your users mob-types to give them the edge in a game, or provide mob-types for free!

Gun Mechanics

MTD features a PvPGunsPlus-esque gun system. Create new guns or projectiles by copy/pasting the .gun and .proj files and editing their entries. This intuitive system was originally designed by orange451 in a plugin that was removed some time ago. It has been adapted to remove malicious code and optimize.

Source Code

The source for this project can be found here.

A Map!

Packaged in the .zip file for this project is a pre-built map. Use it or build your own maps, it's your choice. But know that I hand built it, so it's special to me :3


As always, I encourage you to donate if you use MTD on your server. Of course, it's not necessary but very much appreciated. The PayPal button to support development can be found in the top right hand corner of this page.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 13, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Oct 13, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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