
Below is a list of commands included in MPT. All commands require the mpt.use permission node unless otherwise noted. [Square brackets] denote a required parameter, while {curly brackets} denote an optional parameter.

/mpt add-repo [url] - Adds a repository at the given URL to the local store

/mpt remove-repo [id] - Removes a repository by the given ID from the local store

/mpt list-repos - Prints a list of all currently added repositories

/mpt update - Fetches all packages from all added remote repositories

/mpt install [id] {id2, {id3}...} - Installs the package(s) by the given ID (only one ID is required but multiple may be specified)

/mpt remove [id] {id2, {id3}...} - Removes the package(s) by the given ID (only one ID is required but multiple may be specified)

/mpt upgrade {id1, {id2}...} - Attempts to upgrade the specified packages, or all packages if none are specified

/mpt list - Lists all currently installed packages

/mpt list-all - Lists all currently available packages, regardless of installation status

/mpt info [id] - Displays info about a given package

/mpt abort - Attempts to abort any currently running MPT tasks and unlocks the local store. This command is not officially supported and should be used only as a last resort. (note: requires the mpt.abort permission node)

/mpt help - Displays the help message (note: requires the permission node)


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