
This page is currently being overhauled. The information here may conflict with the current plugin configuration. This will be corrected soon.


Configuration / config.yml

Default Configuration

Detailed Descriptions


  • Boats_Sink: true 
    • This will determine whether or not boats are able to sink if they take a sufficient amount of damage.
  • Movement_Affected: true
    • If set to true, armor weights will restrict player's movement.
  • Swimming_Affected: true
    • If set to true, armor weight will cause players to have a more difficult time swimming.
  • Allow_Physics_Exemptions: true
    • If this is set to true and the player has the permission "MorePhysics.exempt", they will not be affected by armor weight at all. 





The arrows component allows you to specify different damage modifiers for different body areas. The default configuration is as follows:

        head: 3
        neck: 4
        torso: 2
        crotch: 10
        legs: 0.8
        toes: 3
        unknown: 1

The body parts are more or less self-explanatory. If (for whatever reason) the body part cannot be determined, it will default to unknown.


The blocks component adds blocks that have a specific effect when walked on by a player. The default configuration follows:

            enabled: true
            material: '35:1'
            velocity: 1.0
            enabled: true
            material: '35:13'
            velocity: 1.0
           enabled: true
           material: '35:3'
           velocity: 1.0

You can enable / disable each of the block types individually, as well as specify the block material and velocity modifier.


The blood component adds particle effects to entities that are taking damage. The default configuration follows:

        players-color: red
        mobs-color: green
        animals-color: red

You can specify different colors of blood for players, monsters, and animals. The following blood colors are available:


Note: These colors are created using the block breaking particle effect; therefore, the actual color will depend on the texture pack that you are using.


There is not much configuration available for the boats component - it just does its own thing.

    damage-multiplyer: 1.0

You can specify the rate at which the boat will take damage via the damage-multiplyer node.


There are several things you can configure in the minecarts component. The default configuration follows:

    min-detected-speed: 0.01
            damage: 1.5
            knockback: true
            damage: 2
            knockback: true
            damage: 1.3
            knockback: true
    death-message: "&e was killed by a speeding minecart"

The minecart component utilizes a costly VehicleMoveEvent, which fires several times per second for every moving vehicle on the server. In an attempt to mitigate the performance drop, the plugin will not respond to vehicles moving slower than the value specified in the min-detected-speed. The default value is quite low - if you do not want to be hurt by slow-moving carts, you can increase it by a small value.

The modifiers section contains options for players, monsters, and animals. The nodes are more or less self-explanatory.

The death-message node contains the death message that will be shown when a player is killed by a minecart. You can use the variable - it will be replaced with the player name.


The piston component has several configuration options. The default configuration follows:

    sign-controlled: false
        enabled: true
        modifier: 1.0
        entities: 4.0
        blocks: 3.0

sign-controlled requires a formatted sign to be placed on the side of a piston in order for it to launch anything.

The weight block causes the plugin to calculate the plugin to factor in the player weight when calculating the velocity.

The power section customizes the velocity for both blocks and entities.


Player component contains multipliers for several server rates and properties. The default configuration follows:

            hunger: 1.0
            experience: 1.0
            pvp: 1.0
            pve: 1.0
            fire: 1.0
            suffocation: 1.0
            starvation: 1.0
            poison: 1.0
            fall: 1.0
            explosion: 1.0


The weight component has few settings in the main configuration file - weight.yml is what you need if you want to configure different weight for blocks. However, this category does have several important settings that you might want to change. The default configuration follows:

    speed-modifier: 1.0
    default-speed: 1.0
    exempt-creative: true

The way speed modification works is quite simple. By default, the plugin is configured in such a way that an inventory full of blocks with the weight of 1 will prevent the player from moving at all. Therefore, if you set speed-modifier, the players will not be able to move with half of their inventory full of blocks with the weight of 1.

It is advised that you do not change either the speed-modifier or the default-speed - it may cause some undesired effects. Instead, you should modify the block weights.

If you do not want the inventory to weight down players in creative mode, you can set exempt-creative to true.


The miscellaneous category contains basic plugin configuration. The default settings are as follows:

    debug: false
    movement-fix: true
    prefix: "[MorePhysics]"

You do not normally need to change the debug setting - it will flood your server log with information that you do not really need.

movement-fix enables a nasty piece of code that might or might not work for you. Sometimes, launching a player into the air results in Bukkit built-in anti-cheat complaining about that player moving too fast. On some servers, this fix prevents this from happening, on some, it does not. However, if you are not running a dedicated anti-cheat plugin, you should set this to false, as it effectively disables a portion of Bukkit anti-cheat.

You can specify the plugin prefix in the prefix node - it will be used for signs and in the server log.


This category controls the way plugin checks for updates.

Note that the plugin does not download anything, neither from BukkitDev nor from the update server. It merely checks whether there is an update version and informs you on server startup.

The default settings are as follows:

    enabled: true
    channel: recommended

There are three update channels: recommended, beta, and development.