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I cant find the IDs for the bows
This is a bukkit plugin. Adding new Items with new IDs is only possible for minecraft client-mods. The bows dont have specific Ids. use /mbgive to cheat the bows Doesn't work
If you don't write what exactly doesn't work, I cant help you. Can you make it compatible with worldguard?
No, sorry Server error "me/KiwiLetsPlay/MoreBows/MoreBows : Unsupported major.minor version"
It means that I compiled my classes under a specific JDK, you try to run them under an older version of JDK. So, you can't run classes compiled with JDK 6.0 under JDK 5.0. The same with classes compiled under JDK 7.0 when you try to run them under JDK 6.0.
Download the latest version of the Java Development Kit. I put the plugin in the plugins folder and started the server but the plugin doesn't work and yes i have tried the /morebows command which also doesn't work.
If you did try /morebows post a comment containing "I have tried /morebows" and the craftbukkit version you use.
If there are any server errors, poste a pastebin link.


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