More Mobs

You think the default mobs of Minecraft are boring? Check out this plugin and you will get an adventure! More Mobs is a easy to use plugin to get more mobs into your server.

Installation, Configuration, and Use

Configuration file includes settings for the wraith's soul-reaping setup and also for the percent chances for mob spawning. A new feature in 3.0 is the ability to bind which type of mob a more mob spawns based off of, but that is explained in the configuration itself. The commands are /moremobs and /setWraithHell. /moremobs is used for spawning the moremobs, so for instance /moremobs giant would spawn a giant at the block where you are looking. /setWraithHell allows you to set the location where the victims of wraiths get sent when they die.


PictureNameDescription is the wraith. He wanders the overworld, looking for souls to reap. Should he ever hit you with his sickle, your soul will be ripped from your body and you will wake up in "hell" (the nether), or alternatively the world and coordinates of your choice. If your players are wimps and they whine about getting sent to the nether all the time, you can disable soul-reaping in the config file and the wraith will just behave like a regular zombie. The wraith idea came from Thrystor, so credit to him. Also, thanks a lot to Striante, whose PrettyScaryLib provided the code that made the wraith possible! ZombieThis is the Giant Zombie. he's been part of the game code since Alpha, but never actually appeared in game! isn't that a shame. At any rate, he's here now! He can be found anywhere regular zombies spawn, but is much rarer. He has a lot of hearts, but is much friendlier than his smaller zombie cousins and only attacks you if you hit him first. Even when he attacks you, he can't reach down far enough with his arms, so he will just try to step on you! dodge those feet!
Giant SlimeYou thought those regular large slimes were big, right? Wrong! With MoreMobs, you have a 1/100 chance of a slime spawning HUGE! These monsters have ridiculously high health and are very difficult to kill. Other than being MASSIVE, they behave just like regular Slimes. and the best part? they split into 2-4 smaller slimes when they die! and those split! and those split! WARNING:by the time you manage to entirely kill this thing, your sword might break!
Giant Magma CubeWhat's a Giant Slime without some giant lava slimes as well? Yes, ladies and Gentlmen: it's a giant magma cube. All the properties of the giant slime, plus it jumps 10 blocks in the air!
Herobrine BlocksOn dark and stormy nights, the evil Lord Herobrine emerges from his lair... Some nights, when he's feeling particularly evil, he casts spells on blocks and makes them do his bidding. These blocks, now filled with Herobrine's evil spirit, rise out of the ground and begin floating around, looking for players to land upon and suffocate. Most of the time they pick up another block beside them to use as a weapon. A picture doesn't really do this mob justice; In this picture it just looks like a couple floating grass blocks. Let me assure you; it moves, it turns, it attacks.... BEWARE :)
PigChestThis delightful, adorable little creature will carry your items for you. Simply right click a pig with a storage minecart to put the minecart on his back. He'll carry it around for you in a very humorous fashion- it'll wobble around and look for all the world like it's going to slip off, but it never does. He will follow a carrot on a stick, so if you get 2 or 3 of these guys they would make long-distance travel very easy.
Baby ZombieTiny and adorable, this little zombie child nevertheless packs a punch attacking. In future versions he will be tamable, like a wolf.

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 30, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Apr 23, 2013
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