Surprise Pigmen #2

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser8519149
  • _ForgeUser10299688 created this issue Oct 18, 2013

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?

    Adding a new mob, which are basically invisible zombie pigmen wielding a configurable item. When attacked, they spawn several more (angry) pigmen just like them nearby, thus overwhelming the player in a surprising manner.

    Their name shouldn't actually be "Surprise Pigmen"; I just wrote that to be descriptive of what the mob actually would be. You can name them whatever you want, but a name that came to mind was, "Poltergeist", because those type of spiritual entities are usually associated with unexplained/supernatural movements like levitating objects (which is exactly what we see here). What the name should NOT be, is something "Herobrine" related, because there's already a herobrine-blocks mob (which concern blocks, not items), and it's overrated anyhow.

    Please provide any additional information below.

    If it's possible (maybe with ProtocolLib), you could make the pigmen silent. If this requires another plugin like ProtocolLib, you could make this an optional feature.

  • _ForgeUser10299688 added the tags New Enhancment Oct 18, 2013
  • _ForgeUser8519149 posted a comment Oct 18, 2013

    No, it's not possible to silence mobs. Only certain sounds can be muted, but mob sounds aren't one of them(the protocollib developer said so in the forum). So for the attack you mean like if you hit poltergeist, random blocks around you will attack you? Aren't poltergeist mischievous? You know they knock and move things around before they do some serious damage. I got this info from a reliable source, Wikipedia. LOL.

  • _ForgeUser10299688 posted a comment Nov 1, 2013

    @ObliviusMinecraft: Go

    Eh, I was thinking of "Poltergeist" because it was more of a "close enough" name to describe this type of mob. I didn't want this mob to be made based on a real-life poltergeist (assuming they exist).

    I wouldn't want this new mob to involve block-throwing and such, just spawning "reinforcements" in the form of "floating weapons". Otherwise it would be too similar to "Herobrine blocks".

    And yes, I read Wikipedia too. Don't we all? :)

  • _ForgeUser8519149 posted a comment Nov 1, 2013

    @CommodoreAlpha: Go

    Oh, okay. This will be interesting. :)

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