More Hearts

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

More Hearts!

Ever wanted to give more health for donators in your servers or just become unbeatable?

This is the plugin for you! With More Hearts you can add more hearts to players(duh..) with commands, config and even custom permissions!!

Using an older version? click here


I'm not going to update this plugin anymore and I don't even know if I will ever return to make plugins.

making plugins was my hobbie and now when I got more importent things to do I dont think that I will be able to keep up with this plugin.

I want to say thanks for all the downloads, I never thought I will get so many :)

Feel free to continue it / decompile it or whatever you want (just give me some credit ;) )


<> - Required [] - Optional

/moreheartsmorehearts.helpWill display all commands for the plugin
/morehearts add <player> <amount>morehearts.addGive this guy some hearts!
/morehearts refreshmorehearts.refreshRefresh everything :D
/morehearts set <player> <amount>morehearts.setset extra hearts for a player
/morehearts addworld [world]morehearts.addworldif you will not enter the world name it will enable the plugin in th world you are in
/morehearts addallworldsmorehearts.addallworldsThis will add every loaded world
/morehearts removeworld [world]morehearts.removeworldif you will not enter the world name it will disable the plugin in the world you are in
/morehearts worldsmorehearts.worldsList of worlds that the plugin is enabled in
/morehearts reset <ResetPassword>morehearts.resetWill reset the config :O (you can find/change the password in the config)

You can add custom permissions in the config!


If player will have 73 hearts more he will have 83 hearts in total (73+10) and it will look like this:

83 hearts!

Thats alot :P


The config is really easy and simple, Here is an example:

//Adding hearts

    7887b7b5-f79c-4625-bbd9-3e827ebc3f00: //his UUID
        LastSeenAs: roei12 //His Name
        HP: 28.0 //The HP he has
        ExtraHearts: 100.0 //Extra Hearts :P

//Adding permissions

    donator: 20
//if someone will have the permission morehearts.donator he will have 20 hearts more!

DefaultHearts: 10
// I know its called default health but its the default hearts for your server (normal - 10 hearts)

EnableIn: world1,world2,world4
//Now the plugin will work only in the worlds: world1, world2 and world4

//Hide extra hearts?
HideHearts: false
// Now the extra hearts will be hidden :D

//Reset password
ResetPassword: random number (you can change it to whatever you want)
//Used for /mh reset to reset everything in the config (except the password :P)



  • Recoded everything :D
  • Updated to 1.7.9
  • Has UUID support (so if a player will change his name then his extra hearts will stay)
  • Fixed the "hearts staying after removing the plugin" bug
  • added reset command and reset password :O


Do you have any ideas for improving this plugin?

Tell me in the comments or in pm!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 2, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jun 13, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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