

modtrs.mod - Give this to your Moderator group. This is for /mod-broadcast and /modlist

modtrs.command.ban - Use the /modreq-ban command

modtrs.command.unban - Use the /modreq-unban command

modtrs.command.check - Use the /check and /check-id commands

modtrs.command.check.self - Use the /check command to see open requests that you have filed, if you don't have permissions for

modtrs.command.check - Check for open Modreqs

modtrs.command.complete  - Use the /claim, /hold, /unclaim, /reopen, and /done commands

modtrs.command.complete.override - Use the /unclaim command on requests that you did not claim

modtrs.command.broadcast - Use the /mod-broadcast command

modtrs.command.teleport - Use the /check and /tp-id commands

modtrs.command.reload - Use the /modtrs reload command

modtrs.command.modlist - Use the /modlist command

modtrs.command.modreq - Use the /modreq command


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