Install and configure


1. Download the newest version of the plugin from here

2. Open your plugins folder and put the MobsCanTalk.jar in it.

3. Restart your server.

4. Start configuring.


Enabled config:


<mob name>: true/false

1. If it is true this means it is enabled

2. If it is false that means it is disabled OR that the mob is talking after a period of time it will be turned back to true

3. If you want to disabled a mob stop your server and change it to false then start your server again and then that mob will be disabled

Mob config:


     - <message>
     - <message>
     - <message>
     - <message>

1. To add a message just tab to the right part and then add a "-" and then write your message and then restart your server.

2. To delete a message just delete the whole line "- <message>"


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