Friendly Mobs

Welcome to MobNoTarget, a plugin for builders, players...... well different types of play styles.

Basically with one simple permission node "MobNoTarget.On" you can be immune to all mobs. This is great for people who like to play survival, or just me because I always seem to run into creepers :/

The plugin is pretty much self-explanatory but I guess I can go on more o_o . If you don't feel like hearing me talk you can simply just download the plugin and all is well. I'm pretty sure allot of people wont read the nit-picky details unless they are in a list or in bold :I so here you go:

MobNoTargetYou Steps to Usage


  1. Get a Permissions plugin as PermissionsEX or GroupManager
  2. Download it alongside this plugin and put it in your server plugins directory. (server/plugins)
  3. Give yourself OP with /op <yourname> or you can add the permission to a group or player.
  4. Use the command /target to toggle mobs targetting you!
  5. After go hug a creeper :3

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  1. Please comment down below for to suggest things

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 26, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Aug 21, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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