Bosses Setup

Hey guys, this entry will show you how bosses work. Here we have a single boss:

       monster: Zombie
       hp: 100
       damage: 7
       abilitiesOrder: order
       globalWarmup: 2
       spawnMessage: "Fuck you!"
       deathMessage: "Fuck you again!"
       abilities: [SingleTarget, Heal]
       abilityDelay: 5
GIANT: This is the name of the boss. you can change it to whatever you like
Monster: The model how the boss should look like
Hp: Maximum Hp of the boss
Damage: Damage the boss deals per hit
   - random: Random selection of an ability
   - order: using abilities in order
GlobalWarmup: Warmup before selecting first ability (in seconds)
SpawnMessage: Message send to all dungeonplayers when the boss spawns
DeathMessage: Message when the boss dies.
Abilities: Abilities the boss can use
AbilityDelay: Delay beween each ability (this is NOT the warmup)

Here are some examples:

       monster: Zombie
       hp: 100
       damage: 7
       abilitiesOrder: order
       globalWarmup: 2
       spawnMessage: "Fuck you!"
       deathMessage: "Fuck you again!"
       abilities: [SingleTarget, Heal]
       abilityDelay: 5
       monster: EnderDragon
       hp: 200
       damage: 6
       abilitiesOrder: random
       globalWarmup: 5
       spawnMessage: "RAWWWWW!"
       deathMessage: "*bark*"
       abilities: [Fireball, AOE]
       abilityDelay: 10


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