
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


Mit diesem Plugin kann man Zugverbindungen erstellen und auf den definierten Strecken fahren.


Befehle:                                       Permissions:                                 Beschreibung:

-MB addline                                                 minoriabahn.cmd.addline                           Fügt eine Verbindung zwischen zwei Haltestellen hinzu
-MB removeline                                          minoriabahn.cmd.removeline                    Entfernt eine Verbindung zwischen zwei Haltestellen
-MB create                                                   minoriabahn.cmd.create                             Definiert die Züge
-MB wand                                                    minoriabahn.cmd.wand                               Gibt dem Benutzer die Schaufel ins Inventar, womit die Eckpunkte des Zuges markiert werden sollen
-MB reload                                                  minoriabahn.cmd.reload                              Lädt die Config neu


Beispiel zum Erstellen einer Linie:

(Linie: 522; Route 1; Endhaltestelle: Markt)

/MB addline 522 Markt
/MB wand
Der Benutzer muss die Eckpunkte des ersten Zuges mit der Schaufel markieren bevor er fortfährt
/MB create 522 1 1
Nun muss der Benutzer in den leeren Transport-Zug gehen
/MB create 522 1 2
Jetzt muss sich der Benutzer in den Zug im Zielbahnhof begeben
/MB create 522 1 3
Die Verbindung ist fertig eingerichtet und kann benutzt werden

zum Entfernen der Verbindung:
/MB removeline 522



With this plugin you are able to create tram connections between two stations and so that you can go by train easily on the defined connections.


Commands:                                Permissions:                                     Description:

-MB addline                                                 minoriabahn.cmd.addline                                 Adds a new connection between two stations

-MB removeline                                          minoriabahn.cmd.removeline                          Removes a existing connection between two stations

-MB create                                                   minoriabahn.cmd.create                                   Defines the trains at the stations

-MB wand                                                    minoriabahn.cmd.wand                                     The user gets a shovel in his inventory which should be used to mark the corners of a train

-MB reload                                                  minoriabahn.cmd.reload                                    Reloads the Config


Example that shows how to create a connection:

(line: 522; route 1; final stop: market)

/MB addline 522 market
/MB wand
The user has to mark the corners of the first train with the shovel before he goes on
/MB create 522 1 1
Now the user has to go into the the empty train that should carry the guest
/MB create 522 1 2
Now the user has to go into the final train
/MB create 522 1 3
The connection is created successfully and can be used

If you want to remove the connection:
/MB removeline 52



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 11, 2017
  • Last Released File
    Aug 11, 2017
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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