
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

I know there are a lot of multi world pugins out there, but i tried to go a different approach here. the main function for this plugin is that there are more "Mini" plugins which will be able to work together to provide a lot of functionality but only add a few things on themselves so you can always just use 1 miniplugin which suits your needs and you can leave the rest out so you can create your own server experience.

How it works

Allows you to create an new world ingame, and then spawn there You can alsof make a saved version of the world where you can roll back to.

The Mini Lineup:

MiniUtilities MiniWorlds MiniInventories MiniChat


all commands need MiniWorlds.use permission

  • /w newworld [name] (type) (seed)

Possible types: normal, largebiomes, old, nether, end permission: MiniWorlds.command.newworld

  • /w spawn (worldname)

Goes to the spawn, if world given you change world permission: MiniWorlds.command.allspawn or if you only want to allow someon to spawn in the world they are in use permission: MiniWorlds.command.worldspawn

  • /w saveworld [worldname]

Makes a saved version of the world permission: MiniWorlds.command.saveworld

  • /w resetworld [worldname]

If the world had been saved earlyer it will be reset (warning saving and resetting cause world generation lag) permission: MiniWorlds.command.resetworld

  • /w

displays ingame help


nomal config: type and seed are defined on world creation behaviour can be empty or 'reload' which will reload the world on startup. from an saved file. Config: Worlds: world: loaded: true type: '' seed: '' behaviour: ''


just pull the jar in your plugins directory and you are done

Mini Info

Combined with MiniInventories when a world within a group is loaded the inventory will stay the same but if the world is not within a group it will be deleted.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 17, 2012
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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