
 BlockSurvival is quick little mini-game where blocks inside of an Arena will start to disappear one by one. The goal of the players is to be the last one standing! 

  • Very easy to setup arenas with detailed feedback on command use.
  • Multiple arenas.
  • Automatically restores arenas.
  • Arenas can have any number of players (except below 2!)
  • No dependencies required and is very lightweight.
  • Multiple "JOIN" signs supported for arenas.
  • Free

Arena Setup Commands
/blocksurvival setmainlobby - set current player position as the return point when a game finishes or player exits an arena.
/blocksurvival status <arena> - check the setup status of an arena.

/blocksurvival create <arena> - creates an arena.
/blocksurvival delete <arena> - deletes an arena.

/blocksurvival enable <arena> - enables an arena.
/blocksurvival disable <arena> - disables an arena.

/blocksurvival pos1 <arena> - set position #1 of arena.
/blocksurvival pos2 <arena> - set position #2 of arena.

/blocksurvival setminplayers <arena> <amount> - set the minimum number of players for the arena.
/blocksurvival setmaxplayers <arena> <amount> - set the maximum number of players for the arena.

/blocksurvival difficulty <arena> <level:1~5> - set the difficulty of the arena (1 = slowest, 5 = fastest).
/blocksurvival usefloor <arena> - turns on / off the height elimination zone of the arena.
/blocksurvival floor <arena> - sets the current players height (y-value) as the elimination zone of the arena.
/blocksurvival death <arena> <type:NONE/VOID/LAVA> - set death floor of arena with VOID or LAVA (can be used in conjunction with elimination floor).

Admin Commands
/blocksurvival forcestart <arena> - force-starts an arena (arena must have at least two players).
/blocksurvival forcestop <arena> - force-stops an arena (arena must be in-game).

Player Commands
/blocksurvival list - lists all available arenas.
/blocksurvival join <arena> - join an arena.
/blocksurvival leave - leave the current arena.

  1. Set main lobby using "/blocksurvival setmainlobby"
  2. Create an arena using "/blocksurvival create <arena>"
  3. OPTIONAL: Create lobby for the arena using "/blocksurvival lobby <arena>"
  4. Set position #1 of arena using "/blocksurvival pos1 <arena>"
  5. Set position #2 of arena using "/blocksurvival pos2 <arena>"
  6. Set minimum number of players using "/blocksurvival setminplayers <arena> <amount>"
  7. Set maximum number of players using "/blocksurvival setmaxplayers <arena> <amount>"
  8. Set the difficulty / speed of the arena using "/blocksurvival difficulty <arena> <1~5>"
  9. If you want a player to be eliminated when they drop below a certain height use "/blocksurvival floor <arena>" to set your current height as the elimination height.
  10. OPTIONAL: If you aren't going to use a elimination height, you can alternatively make the player be eliminated when taking VOID or LAVA damage. This can be done by doing "/blocksurvival death <arena> <type:NONE/VOID/LAVA>"
  11. Join signs can be created using the format:
    Line 1: [bs] OR [BlockSurvival]
    Line 2: JOIN
    Line 3: <Arena>
  12. Leave signs can be created using the format:
    Line 1: [bs] or [BlockSurvival]
    Line 2: LEAVE


ALL PERMISSIONS: blocksurvival.*

ADMIN PERMISSIONS: blocksurvival.admin.*
PLAYER PERMISSIONS: blocksurvival.player.*

JOIN COMMAND PERMISSION: blocksurvival.player.join
LEAVE COMMAND PERMISSION: blocksurvival.player.leave
LIST COMMAND PERMISSION: blocksurvival.player.list

FORCE START COMMAND PERMISSION: blocksurvival.admin.forcestart
FORCE STOP COMMAND PERMISSION: blocksurvival.admin.forcestop

ARENA SETUP PERMISSION: blocksurvival.admin.setup
USE SIGN PERMISSION: blocksurvival.player.sign

Q. How is the arena saved / restored?
A. After the plugin loads the two positions from the arena.yaml file, it captures a snapshot of all the blocks between these two positions. After the arena is finished it restores each block back to their original state.
Q. How should I modify my arena?
A. Disable the arena using "/blocksurvival disable <arena>". Make changes to your arena and then using "/blocksurvival enable <arena>" will re-capture all the blocks again between your selected arena points.
Q. Are there any known problems in your plugins?
A. If there is not a single safe teleport location for your arena (ie. solid block for a player can stand on), the plugin will crash when a player joins as it will forever try to teleport players to a safe location.
Q. What versions will you be supporting?
A. I will always be supporting the latest version of Spigot/Bukkit.
Q. How should I report issues with your plugins or ask for requests?
A. The fastest way to report an issue or request for features is through Otherwise you can leave comments in the discussion page for this resource.


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