
MineXChange lets you request items from other players through an inventory. The unique part of this plugin, is that you don't have to complete the whole request on your own! If somebody requests 1000 stone, and a reward of 10 diamonds, you can give them 200 stone, and get 2 of the diamonds! This is a great way for people to request large amounts of items from the whole server instead of asking each player individually.


/minechange (/mxc)

/minexchange - the base command - opens the exchange inventory
/minexchange cooldown - gets and sets the request cooldown of the specified player
/minexchange request - you can use this command instead of the inventory's interface if you wish
/minexchange reload - reloads the configs

description: Allows the use of minechange commands

description: Allows the adding of item requests

description: Allows the player to delete an item request, even if they didnt create the request (for admins)

Also allows the user to reload the MineXChange files.

description: Allows the user to set the request cooldown timer of a player

In-depth knowledge:
MineXChange lets you request items, and you get to choose the reward the player gets for completing parts of your request.

When somebody gives you items, or you give somebody items, they will go to a virtual inventory inside the Exchange UI. Items can be taken out, but not put in. (so poeple cant have a free infinite inventory)

The request menu has a maximum of 45 requests at a time, so that if it ever fills up, it will force players to complete other player's requests. (this can be good for the community)

Requests will also timeout, and be deleted after a certain amount of time (configurable in config.yml). If the request has any reward items left, they will be returned to the player in their Request Inventory.

If a player requests an absurd item for a ridiculously low reward for example, staff can delete it if they have "minexchange.override" permission

There is also the option to set a maximum value for requests. the default is 10000 (configurable in config.yml).

There is also the option to broadcast a message, along with a sound when a request is created (configurable in config.yml).


multiple pages are supported for the inventories ^^^


the amount can be changed by clicking the side bars


if the request has already been completed, or the player gave too many items, items will be returned to their inventory


typing a command to request items is also possible



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 4, 2018
  • Last Released File
    Mar 6, 2019
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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