

Have you always wanted to add rage-inducing Mineturtles to you bukkit server?

No? me neither. But you should do it anyway! Mineturtle is a very simple plugin that, as the name implies, adds mineturtles to your server: you can choose any type of mob to be a mineturtle and when you touch it or step on it, it explodes! (after saying "hello!" to the vidtim(s) ofcourse...)


This very simple plugin allows you to choose a type of mob to be mineturtle. When you step on a mineturtle (or touch it), it will say "hello" to you and explode with a configurable amount of power!

Notice that this plugin will not add a whole new mob to your server: you only can choose an already existing type of mob to be mineturtles!


You can download this plugin on this bukkitdev page.

Configuration In this plugin you will be able to configurate:

  • wich type of mob the mineturtle is
  • how powerfull the explosion of the mineturtle will be
  • if the explosion will cause damage to the surrounding blocks


Version 1.1 is out now! (believe it or not, it actually is possible to update a plugin as simple as this one) Since version 1.1, mineturtles will have a nametag so you always know if a mob is a mineturtle or not.


Since this plugin is not very complicated, I don't expect any bugs or problems. However: if any problems occur, please tell me as soon as possible.


  • Again: notice that this plugin can only use existing mobs and will not a whole new mob to the game!
  • Also notice that every spawned mob of the mob type that is a mineturtle, is a mineturtle. So there will be no "normal" mobs of this mob type!
  • The "Mineturtle" is a creation of "Tomska", and be aware that this plugin is NOT official or any of that kind: it's 100% fan-made and absolutely no advertisement. All the credit of the mineturtle goes to him and his team!


I really enjoy coding for bukkit, and all my work is free to use. However, if you want to support me and the development of this plugin, you can choose to leave a donation. You really don't have to donate, but your help is appreciated :)



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