
What is Minetrends?

Minetrends is the all in one solution to analyzing your Minecraft server! With Minetrends, you can login to your dashboard and instantly view graphs and statistics on your daily player count, the ratio between new to recurring players, the geolocation of your players, and much more. In addition to player information, you can also view server health stats, such as memory usage, TPS, and many more things to come!

Screenshots of the control panel?

Sure! Here are a few:

How do I start?

The registration and setup process is very easy and should take under 3 minutes to complete! Just follow the steps below, and don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

  1. Register on Minetrends.com and add your server to your control panel.
  2. Once you have added your server, you'll receive your unique server key. Download/install the Minetrends Bukkit plugin on your server.
  3. Lastly, add your unique server key to the Minetrends plugin with: /minetrends key <SERVER_KEY>

What is the function of the Bukkit plugin?

Minetrends is a website and Bukkit plugin. The Bukkit plugin sends data to our servers through HTTP where it is stored and processed into nice looking graphs and stats. If you would like to know more about the Bukkit plugin, you can look at the source on GitHub or contact us if you have further questions.

Plugin Commands

  • /minetrends - Shows help page.
  • /minetrends reload - Reloads the configuration file.
  • /minetrends key <SERVER KEY> - Add your server key


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 26, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Dec 27, 2017
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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