
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

With MinePlot, your players can buy land based on the ores within the ground or by size of the plot, and then have the only access to the land. The player will be allowed to mine and build on the area, but others wont unless the player says they can. Server admins can also make it so that it only applies below a certain height limit, or that a player must have a plot to build or mine.

This does NOT protect against other types of griefing or building, however. Tnt cannons can blast holes in your plot, and placing sand above the height limit will fall down.



  • Buy plots with commands, either selecting with a tool or by coordinates
  • Sell plots to others, even if you arent online
  • Uses MineCore, so it can support either Vault-compatible economies or items as currency
  • Advanced plot selection algorithms, which prevent overlapping plots and prevent plots from being too close together.
  • Customizable height limits and max and min plot sizes.
  • Stores player data with vault, so tranfering player confs transfers data for all MineCore plugins.
  • Multi-world compatible


First, go to MineCore and install the latest version and configure it as you wish. Then, download the latest version of MinePlot and drop it in your plugins directory. Run Bukkit once, and everything will be generated.


For Admins


As an op or console you must run the command /mineplot init <world_name> for each of the worlds that you want to require the player to buy a plot. Then you must restart the server (i will fix this) in order to modify the world configs. Though they are initialized with default values you will most likely want to change them. Go to plugins\mineplot\config.yml, and see below for configuration settings.


The config file is located at /plugins/mineplot/config.yml. After you edit it you must restart the server for changes to take effect.

You will see a section for each world that you have initialized. The basic config looks like this:

tool: BOWL
allowDataCollection: true
    max_plot_size: 60
    min_plot_size: 10
    max_plots_per_player: 5
    plot_spacing: 3
    calculate_plot_cost: true
    un_calculated_cost_per_block: 5
    effective_depth: 64
    prevent_building: true
      LAPIS_ORE: 50
      GOLD_ORE: 30
      IRON_ORE: 20
      COAL_ORE: 10
      DIAMOND_ORE: 150
      REDSTONE_ORE: 80
      EMERALD_ORE: 130

First there is the tool used to select plots. This should be a bukkit-compatible name. Second will be "allowDataCollection". If you wish to opt out, set this to false.

Each world then has its own set of configuration settings. They are:

  • max_plot_size: The maximum side length for any plot.
  • min_plot_size: The minimum side length for any plot.
  • max_plots_per_player: For this world, what is the max number of plots this person can own.
  • plot_spacing: How much room there must be in-between any two plots.
  • calculate_plot_cost: Whether to calculate the cost of a plot being bought from the world by the values of the ores.
  • un_calculated_cost_per_block: How much to charge per horizontal block (i.e. a 20X20 plot would cost 400 * the amount).
  • effective_depth: Above this Y coordinate the plugin will not have any effect.
  • prevent_building: Whether the plugin should prevent blocks from being placed if you don't own a plot containing the area.
  • plot_block_prices: These are the prices that the plugin will charge a player to buy the plot, if you have calculate_plot_cost set to true. The name of the block that should be charged for is followed by the price. Thus, if a prospective plot contain 3 iron ore blocks, the calculated cost is 60.

The defaults are shown above.


  • /mineplot init <worldname>: Explained above.


All admin commands require mineplot.admin or mineplot.* or op


It is recommended that you delete your /plugins/minecore and /plugins/mineplot directories when updating to 1.7.2, I will not be happy if your config.yml is out of date and you are trying to fix things.

For Players

Use the below commands to buy and manage your plots. The cost of the plot will be deducted either from your economy wallet or your inventory (items). The admins cantell you how they set it up, which is done in MineCore.

To select a plot for buying, get an item of the tool type (there is a command to find out what it is) and right click to set the first point and left click to set the second point.


  • /plot list [world] - Lists all the plots you own (green) and you have rights to use (yellow)
  • /plot tool - Gets the tool for defining plots
  • /plot price - Gets the price of the currently selected plot
  • /plot price <x>:<z> <x>:<z> - Gets the price for the defined plot
  • /plot buy [name] - Buys the currently selected Plot, with the optional name
  • /plot buy <x>:<z> <x>:<z> [name] - Buys the plot defined by the coordinates, with the given (optional) name.
  • /plot <plot_name> - Gives standard info about the plot
  • /plot <plot_name> <add|remove> <player_name> - Adds or removes a player from this plot's allowed list
  • /plot <plot_name> allowed - Lists who is in the list of allowed players for the plot
  • /plot <plot_name> rename <new_name> - Renames your plot
  • /plot <plot_name> destroy - Removes the plot from your possesion with no reimbursement

All these commands require the mineplot.plot permission or mineplot.*


To use the /plot command you must have mineplot.plot or mineplot.*

Selling a plot

To sell a plot: In the plot place a sign and type "MinePlot" on the first line and "Sell" on the second, And if you wish put a price on the third line. If you don't include a price it will calculate the price of the plot depending on what ores are left.

Then if someone wants to buy it all they need to do is right click the sign and you will be credited with the cost and they will receive control of the plot.

To Do list

  • More world configuration options


This plugin uses Metrics to record data about the plugin's use. All this does is record simple anonymous data about how the plugin is used, including server specs like architecture, number of cores, OS, general location (country), java version, game version, and players online. All the recorded data can be retrieved at http:mcstats.org/plugin/MinePlot. If you would like to opt-out, change the property in the configuration file "allowDataCollection" to false and restart the server. This will not impact the plugin's execution in any way. By using this plugin, you are agreeing to the collection of data about your server as defined on this page. This page will only reflect the latest release version, and doesn't reflect versions available on Github or elsewhere.

This plugin does not auto-update or check for updates.


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